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Cylinder Heads

Posted By Cliff 4 Years Ago
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Posted 4 Years Ago
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Last Active: 3 hours ago
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There are some things in life that are a lot more work than they benefit received back from the task.  This seems an exercise in futility and extreme expense for little benefit.  There are ways to build a Y block with iron heads to exceed 400 hp with low compression, and well over 500 hp with higher compression and still using iron heads.  Lets keep these Y blocks all Y.  JMO.   Joe-JDC

Posted 4 Years Ago
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Last Active: 4 hours ago
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I would think that putting SBF heads on a Y must be more involved than most are willing to tackle; otherwise, aftermarket aluminum SBF heads would be a cheaper alternative to Mummert's heads.
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Here are some early morning thoughts on the subject.
I doubt seriously if there’s really anyone out there that would actually contemplate putting a LS head on the Y.  Cliff merely brings up the point that the LS head comes very close to bolting down on the Ford Y block.  The LS engines having a very similar cylinder bore spacing as the Ford Y makes this possible.  At one time and before there was very many options for better Ford Y rocker arms, I did look at using the aftermarket LS rocker arm assemblies on the Y as the valve guide placement is also similar to that of the Y.  I get to where I need to be with the Harland Sharp or Mummert rockers made specifically for the Y so going the LS rocker arm route for the rocker arms was not needed.
The SBF heads actually bolt up to the Ford Y with eight of the ten existing head bolts.  Still don’t see anyone running SBF heads on the Y even though that would be an easier bolt on than the LS heads.  As for the SBF heads conversion for the Y, the Argentina Phase II engines had already done this.  If considering doing this with an American set of heads, then using either the Phase II camshaft or having a custom grind would correct for the differences in intake/exhaust valve placements.

Lorena, Texas (South of Waco)

PF Arcand
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Why would anyone go to that much trouble & expense, when Mummert's Heads are available & essentially a bolt on..? 

Posted 4 Years Ago
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Supercharged (1.9K reputation)Supercharged (1.9K reputation)Supercharged (1.9K reputation)Supercharged (1.9K reputation)Supercharged (1.9K reputation)Supercharged (1.9K reputation)Supercharged (1.9K reputation)Supercharged (1.9K reputation)Supercharged (1.9K reputation)

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Will fit the 289/302 a lot easier without camshaft change.  Joe-JDC

Posted 4 Years Ago
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Last Active: 2 Weeks Ago
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Here's one to drive everybody crazy, a 5.3 ls head will fit a Y Block Ford with some work, there are some things to overcome, rocker oiling, camshaft reorder, intake manifold, coolant holes, no I'm not going to do it, however someone will probably try. 

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