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Y- Block Hilborn Injection

Posted By 57Ranchwagon 5 Years Ago
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I own a Hilborn fuel injection set for Y-block Ford, I have all the parts with exception of the Magneto . I have heard that there were only between 125-700 made, not sure what is accurate. The unit I own has a distributer driven fuel pump as I undedrstand there is also a belt driven version. My question for the group is 1) what is it worth?  2) is it feasable to run this on a non race setup/mild street performance car? 
Thanks in advance for your input.
Joe Maitland 
Posted 5 Years Ago
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Are you asking whether the magneto will be streetable or whether the mechanical hilborn will be streetable..  The magneto driven pump is not the optimum setup  You end up trying to pull fuel up hill because invariably the fuel tank is mounted lower than the pump, and those injector pumps do not like to pull fuel uphill. The injector pump should be mounted lower than the fuel level in the tank
Posted 5 Years Ago
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I agree with RB and would run the pump low off a belt. I do. If the pump is a Hilborn they have a mount for the pump but you will need to make something for the Y and most are for scrubvrolets but it's no big thing. You can google how to build a "fuel storage tank" with Holley bowls on the ends so you will not need to squirt in fuel to start it. It's been done for many years and works well. They are usually mounted high about radiator level. Opening a barrel valve/butterflies and cranking a few seconds with no spark will easily prime the engine like a carb squirter/accelerator pump for a cold start. 
Magnetos are fine but I would not use one since they need to spin pretty good to make the best voltage and some times starting is a problem.. Yes they work great if set correctly and you need to see if the advance is locked like a lot were for racing. Ford Ys are a little difficult to make air cleaners since they are not vertical but that too can be over come. Good luck...Keep us up on what your going to do.

56 Vic, B'Ville 200 MPH Club Member, So Cal.
Posted 5 Years Ago
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No, it is not streetable 
PF Arcand
Posted 5 Years Ago
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As Cliff mentioned, they were never intended for street use & were mostly used for Oval track cars..

Larry Short
Posted 5 Years Ago
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Joe, I agree with all of the above but this is my thoughts on street Injection. I have the same Hilborn setup on my Y Block Dragster . I have driven it to a few local cruise within 5 miles . Not easy but FUN ! However I had Two Hilborn injected 427 FE powered cars in the pasted that I street drove and enjoyed! It can be done when driven locally ( 50 miles or less) . First I wouldn’t try it with a automatic. With a stick you can clean it out easier when it loads up. I installed a low speed idle bypass, this keeps excess gas from pouring in to Cylinders at low throttle. I installed an electric fuel pump to prime the mechanical pump on the injection. One of the biggest problems is it will suck the fuel tank dry fast, remember your your shooting fuel in 8 cylinders at once. I guess I’m just an crazy old street racer but it can be done if your willing to put up with some inconvenience and it not your long distance or everyday driver. 
Let me know if I can help you. Cell or text 724-312-4285 or larry@427tbolt.com

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