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Rear Leaf Spring Bushings

Posted By oldcarmark 6 Years Ago
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Posted 6 Years Ago
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Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Last Year
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I wanted to replace the Rubber Bushings in the Shackle End of the Leaf Springs. .There's Bushings in the Frame Bracket and Bushings in the Eye of the Spring. According to Parts Catalog  these Bushings are (4) 1/2's to be inserted from each Side. I got these same Bushings from Rock Auto. What is actually in Mine is a Bushing similar to the One in the front Eye of the Spring. A Rubber Insert inside a Metal surround with a Metal Tube inside the rubber Bushing for the Bolt to go through. I got One replaced in the Frame Bracket by cutting the Inset apart and removing it in Pieces. The replacement Bushings then fit. Has anyone run into this Different type Spring Bushing and how do I get it apart without cutting it to Pieces? I assume they are pressed into Place in One Piece but they are not the same as shown in the Parts Catalog or the Ones in the last Leaf Springs I replaced..

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