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Edelbrock 573 Rabbit Hole

Posted By charliemccraney 7 Years Ago
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Posted 7 Years Ago
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Supercharged (9.8K reputation)Supercharged (9.8K reputation)Supercharged (9.8K reputation)Supercharged (9.8K reputation)Supercharged (9.8K reputation)Supercharged (9.8K reputation)Supercharged (9.8K reputation)Supercharged (9.8K reputation)Supercharged (9.8K reputation)

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Since I've now joined the world of multiple carbs, I thought I'd seek out some information.  Since the carbs are Holley 2110s, which have 1/1/16" primaries, basically a bigger 94, I have sought Holley info.
A 1957 Holley Master Parts Catalog, with info going back to 1934, a 1955 Ford Mechanic, No. 4, a 1956 Ford Mechanic, No. 5, a 1951 Ford Service Forum, No. 1, a 1955 Model 2110-EE Service Manual, a 1950 AA-1 Service Manual and a Snap-on MC-125 float needle seat tool.

The service manuals specify the tools.  I'd like to find a Holley 2100 Manual and the rest of the tools.  I know the special tools are not absolutely necessary, but neat to have and in some cases, may actually work better than alternatives.

Comparable Stromberg stuff does not seem to be as common.  I came across a couple but the condition has been pretty bad so far.

Lawrenceville, GA
Posted 7 Years Ago
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Supercharged (573 reputation)Supercharged (573 reputation)Supercharged (573 reputation)Supercharged (573 reputation)Supercharged (573 reputation)Supercharged (573 reputation)Supercharged (573 reputation)Supercharged (573 reputation)Supercharged (573 reputation)

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hi! they make bigger 2110's for volkswagon dunn buggies!

 lincoln/merc. y-blocks &mel's                                                               bucyrus, ohio.
Posted 7 Years Ago
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Posted 6 Years Ago
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Supercharged (9.8K reputation)Supercharged (9.8K reputation)Supercharged (9.8K reputation)Supercharged (9.8K reputation)Supercharged (9.8K reputation)Supercharged (9.8K reputation)Supercharged (9.8K reputation)Supercharged (9.8K reputation)Supercharged (9.8K reputation)

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I've acquired a 2100 manual and 2 more of the tools for a total of 3.  Only 2 tools left, a snap ring hook and float setting gauge and they seem hard to find.

Modern equivalents are on the ends.  Left to right, economizer / spark control valve (and works with modern power valves), needle seat, and jet tools.
The jet tool is really neat because it holds onto the jet to make it much easier to change the jets.  The modern jet driver does not hold the jet.  It is more or less a screwdriver with a pilot to prevent it from slipping off while tightening.
The modern power valve tool is definitely a better design for modern power valves.  I don't know if it is better or worse for economizer or spark valves as I haven taken one of the 2110s apart, yet, to see.
For anyone who would like to find these tools, they are Snap-On S-8655-B (economizer/spark valve socket), TMC-36A (jet socket) and MC-125 (needle seat socket).  There is also a TMC-36 jet socket but it has a slightly different design - I don't think it holds onto the jet.

Lawrenceville, GA

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