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Charlie Burns sets record at El Mirage

Posted By RB 17 Years Ago
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Nice quote from American Grafitti.  Funny, two of my all time favorite movies has been mentioned here.  "Ole Burt" brings on the emotions every time I see it.  It always gives me inspiration to do better and keep at it.  In the movie he states the 1920 Indian Scout is 42 years old.  That puts his first visit around 62 or 63.  I think he was born in 1900 and that made him a rookie at 62 or 63 also.  The reason I related so much is that I was a rookie at about that same age.

In American Grafitti, Wolfman Jack advertised the movie by asking, "Where were you in 62"?  Well, I was right there in Modesto attending the junior college.  When that movie came out, the hair stood up on the back of my head.  We lived in an apartment building on the corner where the main drag turned from down 10th to up 11th (one-way streets).  We had plenty of hamburgers and fries at Mel's drive-in delivered by girls on roller skates.  George Lucas (producer) was from Modesto and attending college there at the same time, but I never met him.  Later I was a little dissapointed when I found out it was filmed in a Petaluma, CA just north of San Francisco.

See you at Bonneville................

Charlie Burns Laton, Ca (South of Fresno)

Daniel Jessup
Posted 17 Years Ago
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Go get 'em Charlie! Wish we could all be there to see it.

Daniel Jessup

Lancaster, California

aka "The Hot Rod Reverend" w00t
check out the 1955 Ford Fairlane build at

Posted 17 Years Ago
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Thanks for the comments.  There is quite a bit of information to understand it all, I'll try to keep it short.  We ran 118.894 mph on June 22, 2008.  The record at El Mirage has been open since this class was originated some years ago.  When they do that, they have a committee to decide a minimum mph required to set a new record.  For E/PP they decided 115 mph would be required.  I do not know how many different trucks have attempted the record as they keep no official record for thoes who fall short.  However, most of the trucks I see are Chevy and most of the "E" (under 260 cu. in.) motors I see in landspeed racing are de-stroked Chevy small blocks.  El Mirage also has a season points championship as they run 6 events (May - November).  I started last year at number 196, to date this year I am number 20. 

Bonneville is a different animal run by the same outfit (Sothern California Timing Association, SCTA).  There are no minimums there for open classes and the current record holder is a full size Dodge pickup with a de-stroked 270 cu. in. Dodge engine.  If you look up the records (www.scta-bni.Org) you will see that the make, year, and body type are not listed.  The only way I know about the Dodge pickup specifics is talking to the officials who inspected it last year.  Interestingly, our new record at El Mirage is just a little faster than the existing record at Bonneville (118.759).  Last year we ran about 5 mph faster at the salt falts due to the fact that El Mirage is 1.3 miles long while the course for my class is 3.0 miles long at Bonneville, so we hope to be in the low 120's. What will be interesting is the current record holder is also pre-registered for this summer's Bonneville!  I know he didn't pay the $400.00 entry fee and will tow his truck from the state of Washington just to go the same speed.  There will be a fight for the new record and we will do the best we can.  (Whew!!! That was supposed to be short!!!)

I remember the Y-Block article on the earlier Bonneville Ford pickup.  I was already interested in racing at the time, but, he sure gave me inspiration.  He set a record of about 106 mph with a 292.

Chuck, yes we will return to El Mirage to try and break the 120 mark there.  But, we will not have to wait until next year, we still have the October and November races to run a little faster, (I stlll have a few aces up my sleeve), and chase the points leader.  Actually, I would be thrilled to be in the top 10.

Charlie Burns Laton, Ca (South of Fresno)

Posted 17 Years Ago
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Actually by speed records you didn't just break the record you shattered it! Great going. Gonna try for 120 next year? BigGrin Chuck in NH

Y's guys rule!
Looking for McCullouch VS57 brackets and parts. Also looking for 28 Chrysler series 72 parts. And early Hemi parts.

MoonShadow, 292 w/McCulloch, 28 Chrysler Roadster, 354 Hemi)
Manchester, New Hampshire
PF Arcand
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Charlie: First, congratulations on setting the record.. A couple of questions occur to me & I'll explain why below. First, do you know who by & with what the previous record was held? Secondly, who by & with what is the existing record held at Bonneville? The reason for asking is that just a few years ago, there was a write up in YBM about a record being set in a PP class ( production Pickup)with a 58 or 59 Ford, Y-Blk powered pickup. Unfortunately, I don't remember where & when, and can't find the article now. It may have been in issue #75 which I lent out & didn't get back. I'm curious as to whether or not you may have broken a record already held by a Y-Block? Or may be attacking an existing Y-Block record at Bonneville.. Also, maybe someone else here remembers the article, & can shine some light on the subject?... Thanks

Posted 17 Years Ago
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Charlie, congtats. Looking forward to meeting you.  Dennis in Lititz PA
Posted 17 Years Ago
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Thanks Royce, John, Ted, and Billy.  Your encouragement is helpful.  Your comments along with support from Bob Martin, Jerry Christenson, Bruce Young, John Mummert and Cliff Williamson have helped keep my fire burning.  If you have an interest in seeing the record run at El Mirage, my daughter submitted a video of it to YouTube.  Go to and search for taxidrivermom, select her only video, "For The Record", (You may have to put up with a very vocal grandson and daughter).

Thanks again.............

Charlie Burns Laton, Ca (South of Fresno)

Y block Billy
Posted 17 Years Ago
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Job well done Charlie!  The Y's are back! Lacarrapanamerica class won by Y, Pickup record @ 118 both this year with 50 year old motors, that R.I.P shirt is really knocking on peoples back.

Good luck at Bonneville!!!

55 Vicky & customline

58 Rack Dump, 55 F350 yard truck, 57 F100

59 & 61 P 400's, 58 F100 custom cab, 69 F100, 79 F150, 82 F600 ramp truck, 90 mustang conv 7 up, 94 Mustang, Should I continue?

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“Atta Boy” Charlie.  Look forward to seeing you at Expo!!

Lorena, Texas (South of Waco)

Hoosier Hurricane
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Way to go Charlie!!  And thanks Royce for the heads-up.

John in Selma, IN

John - "The Hoosier Hurricane"

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