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New Water Pump Spacer for the 1955-1957 Thunderbirds.

Posted By Ted 7 Years Ago
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Just out last year is a revised water pump spacer for the early Thunderbirds.  This looks like it may address the poor low rpm cooling that comes about due to Ford using a passenger car/truck water pump in conjunction with the one inch spacer on the ’55-57 T-Birds.
In the past I’ve been removing those 1” spacers due to low rpm heating problems and then spacing the water pump pulley back out that missing 1” to get the belts to properly align.  That was one fix.  The other option has been to use the Casco water pump with the extra thick water pump impellor which is designed for use with the oem one inch Thunderbird spacer.  This latest spacer design by Chris Ames (Paragon Industries) is intended to replace the factory one inch spacer and looks to be a step in the right direction while still retaining the stock appearance.  While I can dyno test the spacer on an engine, the results regarding improved low rpm cooling will be inconclusive on my end simply due to the dyno water system easily masking any potential heating issues that can occur in a vehicle.
Here’s the link to the website giving more information as well as details about the casting flash issue within the timing covers that should also be removed and/or cleaned up.  Be sure to read the downloads at the bottom of the linked page as there’s some new information regarding casting flash in some of the timing covers which can be overlooked if not specifically looking for it.  The casting flash issue can easily pertain to all Y-Blocks, not just the ones installed in Thunderbirds.  If anyone does run one of these new spacers on their early ‘Bird, I (as well as others on this site) would be interested in any comments you have.
Casting Flash
Cooling Research Detail

[ As of July 2019, the website address for the Paragon water pump spacers has changed.  This post has been edited to remove the old website link and display the new one ]

Lorena, Texas (South of Waco)

Posted 7 Years Ago
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Here are pictures of the Paragon water pump spacer comparing it to the oem w/p spacer.  The Paragon spacer is on the left while the Ford oem spacer is on the right. 

Lorena, Texas (South of Waco)

Posted 7 Years Ago
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NICE, I have fought this for 24 years, however that's a lot of money for a spacer
Posted 7 Years Ago
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If it actually works, well worth the money.

Lawrenceville, GA
Posted 7 Years Ago
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Cliff.  Yes, this modified water pump spacer is not cheap.  However, I agree with Charlie.  IMO if it works,it is well worth it!

For this entrepreneur there is significant start-up expense in getting his redesigned water pump spacer to market.  Research, pattern making, foundry work, casting, finish machining, testing, advertising, etc. all spell significant investment of effort, time, and money.  Financial success may only be accomplished over an extended time period.

I suspect the inventor is on the hook for a good buck and has his fingers crossed that the first 'production lot' he had made will be purchased in a timely manner.

'55-'57 'Birds have a long standing issue with under-hood operating temperature.  One of the things I learned at Ford Carlisle last year (the E & F code reunion) was the change Ford made with the Phase II superchargers used on the 'Birds.  Only on the 'Birds, Ford added a fuel return line from the engine compartment to the gas tank.  The return line provides a constant flow of fuel from the engine compartment back to the gas tank to serve as a way to keep the under hood fuel temp down to prevent vapor lock. 

Anyone with a 'Bird in the Southwest or who is participating in parades on a hot summer day will likely benefit from installing one of these improved water pump spacer designs.  Unfortunately, I know several purist 'Bird owners who won't listen, let alone entertain having anything done to the engine for their 'Bird that is not 'as original'.  This is in spite of various recommended mechanical 'modifications' not showing except in an engine tear-down and that suggested changes would benefit either the y-engine's mechanical performance, reliability, and/or longevity.

When I reflect on the timing chain water pump cavity baffles and the water pump impeller 'fins' that have been previously marketed to remedy the 'Birds' operating temperature problem, this entrepreneur's solution certainly seems to go at the problem in a grossly overlooked, but extremely fundamental manner.

I'm one of those that has never looked at the y-block's basic timing chain cover casting design, possible shortcomings of the sand mold casting process, or what was not done to the casting after the shake-out of the sand mold.

Considering the number of early 'Bird owners that there are, the number of 'Bird engine rebuilders who will hear about this improved spacer design, and the number of 'Bird owners who will buy into purchasing one of these, the success in marketing this improved spacer is not encouraging for the inventor.  Frankly, unless a 'Bird owner has personally experienced the elevated y-block water operating temperature issue, they will not purchase the redesigned water pump spacer even if they are aware of its existence.

Ugh!  The reality of the aftermarket audience.   Crying

a.k.a. Charlie Brown
near Syracuse, New York
Posted 7 Years Ago
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I just received my water pump adapter and trial fitted it to the Mummert Aluminum front timing cover, and it looks super.  I was able to blend them together to fit almost perfectly, and now hopefully I can get rid of the "Parade electric fan" from in front of the radiator and all the wiring.  Very quick service, even got a phone call, and great feedback from the owner of the company.  Had a lot of thing in common to talk about, and were even stationed at the same AF base back in the day.   Joe-JDC

Posted 7 Years Ago
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I'm in the process of rebuilding my 312 and was going to use Mummert's timing cover, when you indicated blending what was actually required to be done to make it fit to your satisfaction?


Don't grow up, it's a TRICK!
Posted 7 Years Ago
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Nothing was actually required to match the spacer with the Mummert timing cover, it was nearly a perfect fit.  I want perfection on some things when matching up intake ports to heads, gaskets to ports, and with a simple cartridge roll they fit perfectly instead of almost perfectly.  It's called OCD, Obsessive compulsion disorder,  LOL.  Anyone can install them without any modifications.  Both the spacer and the timing cover look super "as is".  Joe-JDC 

Posted 7 Years Ago
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I like OCD and I will now have to add this to the collection of parts when it comes time to re-do the motor.  Tks

Don't grow up, it's a TRICK!
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Joe-JDC (3/15/2018)
It's called OCD, Obsessive compulsion disorder,  LOL

You guys are lucky and have a very mild diagnosis of the disease, and is tweetable..

I have been diagnosed as having CDO, the need to describe the malady in correct alphabetical order...


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