Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 2 hours ago
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I lost the square washer that goes between the accel. pump shaft spring and the pump operating rod on my Holley 4000. The compressed spring assembly slipped out of my grasp, and the washer went flying into the ether. I was lucky just to find the spring, and since I overlooked that the washer was gone (likely under the hood somewhere), it probably fell out on the highway later, I'm guessing. I swept out the garage twice and screened all the dirt, but no luck. Not exactly a critical component (pump works fine without it), but better safe than sorry, so I want to replace it. Looks like something very easy to fabricate out of scrap metal, especially if I had one to copy, so if no one out there has a spare to sell, could they at least loan me one so the copy will be accurate?