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Help Decoding my Fairlane's Data Plate Please?

Posted By Half-dude 8 Years Ago
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Question Posted 8 Years Ago
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Supercharged (555 reputation)Supercharged (555 reputation)Supercharged (555 reputation)Supercharged (555 reputation)Supercharged (555 reputation)Supercharged (555 reputation)Supercharged (555 reputation)Supercharged (555 reputation)Supercharged (555 reputation)

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Hey there guys,

I'm wondering if anyone can help me figured out the date plate code for my car. I've found a few decoder sites including the page on Gil's Garage. The weird part is that several parts of the code including the entire production code doesn't make any sense in the decoder. I'm mostly wanting to find out the paint codes for my car, but the codes on the panel and the actual paint on the car doesn't match up.

Here's a picture of the data plate on my car:

Now the serial number is fine, I've got that totally decoded. (8 Cyl-OHV - 272,1955, Production Plant: Kansas City, Town Sedan (Fairlane),19,838th car assembled)

The problems start with the paint codes which appear to be E and G considering my Fairlane is a two tone. Though it's interesting that it's shown as E-G when the examples I see show it as EG. However while E is shown to be Snowshoe White, G is Sea Sprite Green. But as you can see I've got a blue and white Fairlane:

Could it be possible someone at the plant put a G instead of a C? Because C is Aquatone Blue

The trim code also makes no sense, on mine it's 20A but in every example I've seen, the trim code is only supposed to be a letter.

Now the production code is really weird! It's supposed to be the date it was produced along with the number of car it was. Only the month is supposed to be a letter and the first one or two characters should be numbers.. but they're not.

Does anyone have any idea what's going on?
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Posted 8 Years Ago
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Supercharged (1.2K reputation)Supercharged (1.2K reputation)Supercharged (1.2K reputation)Supercharged (1.2K reputation)Supercharged (1.2K reputation)Supercharged (1.2K reputation)Supercharged (1.2K reputation)Supercharged (1.2K reputation)Supercharged (1.2K reputation)

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Last Active: 36 minutes ago
Posts: 534, Visits: 8.1K
"E" car left the factory solid color white
"G" trim code Blue cloth & medium blue cloth
"20A  build date January 20, 1955
"DS" sale district Des Moines, IA
"4129" number of cars shipped to the Des Moines sales district so far this month  (This meant different thing at different plants , can also be dearer order number 
"C" Third car in this order 

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