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Speed cameras, can I get your point of view from around the world?

Posted By Talkwrench 9 Years Ago
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Speed cameras, can I get your point of view from around the world?

Posted 9 Years Ago
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Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 3 Years Ago
Posts: 898, Visits: 23.2K

I thought this might be a good forum to get a consensus from around the world about speed cameras and what you have and what you think so perhaps you guys can help?
I live in Western Australia, we have a very low population compared to the world, are roads are not too bad, we have a lot of open road as you can imagine.
 The fastest we are allowed to go is 110kph [68.3 mph] our freeways are 100kph [62 mph] . Our state government is buying more speed cameras both fixed and hidden, shall we say , I'll bring this up later. The government states that neither the police or the government makes any money from it goes to a body called the RTTA Road trauma trust accountant. Yet I wonder if this is not run by government?  There was an article in the paper on the weekend basically saying that in just two years its raised its revenue by about 30% [yup 30%] it is predicted to rake in about 97 million dollars plus, we are only a very small state here remember. Now what's is happening is that with this money they are rolling out further cameras , they are claiming that they have reduced the road toll by 23%  agh? Will if its that great Im wondering why the rest of the world doesn't have it?? They are following a model set by the eastern states , so you guys chime in .
Now Im passionate about my motoring I have several cars from different makes but I'm losing the enjoyment of driving , now I'm not saying I'm speeding everywhere its just I spend more time looking at my speedo and wondering what's hiding in the bushes I'm just driving in fear .  I was recently branded as a dickhead and also a criminal as I voiced my opinion and said of course this is revenue raising.. Bare in mind I have I have a full license and have all my demerit points for many years.
Now let me put this into perspective. The non fixed speed cameras we have are sometimes placed in the back of a small SUV and parked near the road , also they can take units out and have them hidden in bushes and behind walls , yes the get you done from the rear as well! they are painted black and now have units in very thin tripods and the cam is not much bigger than a cigarette packet.. They are not run by the police, but lets leave the police  [even though they are in on it, see the latest campaign] out of it. Even the minister for police said they are not supposed to hide them, wish I could post up some pics to show you guys how cleaver they hide them, maybe later.
 Back to perspective..  You can be done here for as little as 4kph over the speed limit ok that's less than 2.5 mph, in the east they get done for just 2 that's less thats 1.25 mph ! guys in Vic correct me if Im wrong. I saw a speeding fine from Victoria that booked someone for 3kph over the speed limit the fine was $3000, yes you read right $3000!! Just because it was a company car and they wouldn't or couldn't identify the driver.. Sorry but in anyone's book that's just a money grab for 3kph = 1.8 mph.
There is a loophole that people are unaware of and that is that if you have a car that 10 years and older by Australian Design Rules its speedometer can be out by 10% + 4 kph, so you can see this discrepancy between getting booked! You wouldn't even know it.. All new[er] cars now have there speedometers advanced under new laws, so people effectively drive under the speed limit, without knowing it and wonders why the hell the person behind gets frustrated..??

So tell me what you guys think, will you say like a lot of people don't speed and you wont get caught, or is this just blatant revenue raising with the way they set the tolerance at such a low speed? What does your country do?

Thanks for your time guys...

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