Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 9 Years Ago
Posts: 163,
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Hey everyone, I just got done doing a lot of thread searching here on the forums and got a mixed bag of results. I have a 1.12 4100 carburetor and was wondering how bad of an experience I would have putting it on my stock, worn out, original 292 engine. It's got an original 2 speed automatic trans as well. The car is currently equipped with a 1.02 2100 carb and runs like a dream. I only want to try the 4100 for giggles. Would the car be undrivable? I hear people say that it would work, just not well. I'd be expecting flat spots in the acceleration and horrible gas mileage. Is that safe to assume? Or would I not even make it out of the driveway? Just curious. Thanks