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Oil pick-up tube to oil pan seal?

Posted By Montereycruiser 11 Years Ago
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The different gasket manufactures do vary in their seal designs for the oil pump inlet.  While Fel-Pro uses a tin compression ring on the oil pump inlet seal, Best Gasket does not. I’ve found that the Best Gasket seal tends to be less troublesome while also not being as prone to pinching the steel tube to the point of actually collapsing it.  Those steel compression rings can damage the oil tube if over tightened.

Lorena, Texas (South of Waco)

Posted 11 Years Ago
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The compression ring is part of a special seal that goes on the tube into the oil pump. There are two rings, one on each end of a rubber seal. I guess you have to buy a new one to get the tube sealed to the pump properly.
Posted 11 Years Ago
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I found one of these (like a compression ring) on mine too and received no specific information when I inquired about this.  Some had never seen it.  I later recall finding something that said some seals come with the ring others do not.  I installed the new seals with out the ring. I even ended up with two types of seal.  One with a beveled end and one with two flat ends.  Don't remember which one I used. Time will tell.


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Posted 11 Years Ago
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On a related note, I took my oil pan off today and found a crimped flange on the tube on the end that goes into the oil pump. Obviously I'll have to remove it to get the tube out of the pan and install a new copper washer. Is this flange required? If so, how do I get it off and reinstalled without destroying it? Thanks.
Hoosier Hurricane
Posted 11 Years Ago
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It goes on the inside, no sealer required.

John - "The Hoosier Hurricane"
Question Posted 11 Years Ago
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Having pulled my oil pan I opened the gasket kit I purchased for re-installing it. Included is a thin copper washer which I suppose is for sealing the pick-up tube where it goes through the oil pan. When I disassembled my tube there was no washer under the big nut outside the oil pan but a thin fibre washer or similar on the inside sealing the tube to inside of oil pan. Where should the new copper washer mount, inside or outside of oil pan? Should sealer be used?

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