Hitting on all eight cylinders
Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 5 Years Ago
Posts: 2,
Visits: 23
Hey guys. Greetings from Brazil.
I have a 1978 Brazilian F-100 that is originally equipped with a 4 cylinder 2.3 OHC . Here is a pic of it https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t31.0-8/981471_481606905246630_15578373_o.jpg.I just bought a 292 Y Block to put in. I don't really know if it's still standard or if the past owner already did anything to it. I'll leave it at a local shop so they can take a look at it. Some older Brazilian F100 (until 75) came with the 272 engine.
My brother is living in New York city and I'm going to visit him on July. I'm thinking about buying some parts for the engine, because unfortunately the taxes and prices here in Brazil are too abusive.My first thought was to buy any parts that I'll possibly need to rebuild the engine (just if needed), and some others to improve the performance. I was thinking about a new carburator, maybe a Holley 4160 (don't know if it's the best choice), a 4bbl intake (the standard is 2) and maybe an electronic ignition (stronger and remove the point ignition). Maybe if I still have room I can take a new exhaust manifold.
Some other things, like increasing the compression rate, that is 7,8, I think I can do here in Brazil.
So, my question is: what do you guys think I should address to get more performance without having to expend too much money? Feel free to give your opinions and recommend parts that you think that are more importante that the ones I listed. The preference is for parts that can travel with me in the luggage.