By RayCarter18 - 11 Years Ago
Is there a reason you need to replace the lifters if you replace the camshaft? If so what is the reason or can the used ones be reused.
By Ted - 11 Years Ago
Here’s the link to a past thread giving several other links regarding the subject of used lifters. . But in direct response to your question, reusing lifters that have already been run is not recommended for use on a new camshaft. There are lots of reasons for a new camshaft to fail and using previously run lifters on a new camshaft is just one of the reasons. The big risk is the lifters turning in the opposite direction in which they had been previously run. Assuming the tappets are used in the same locations, then if the lobe rake angles have been reversed from one camshaft to another, then lifter rotation also reverses. Any reduction in crown on the used lifters is also a deterrent for the new cam lobe break-in. Beyond all that, here’s the link to a list of contributing factors for cam and lifter failures.Cam and lifter failure causes
By RayCarter18 - 11 Years Ago
What about Having them re-ground? Does that make them reusable cause it is a lot cheaper than buying new ones ,from my understanding.
By aussiebill - 11 Years Ago
RayCarter18 (6/22/2014) What about Having them re-ground? Does that make them reusable cause it is a lot cheaper than buying new ones ,from my understanding. Ray, there will be variable opinions but has been industry practice since the 60,s to re radius the lifters, same as regrinding crankshafts.
By RayCarter18 - 11 Years Ago
Forgive my lack of knowledge but what is reradiusing the lifters?
By slick56 - 11 Years Ago
RayCarter18 (6/22/2014) Forgive my lack of knowledge but what is reradiusing the lifters?
The lifters are not flat, they are machined with a slight convex so that they rotate on the camshaft.
By RayCarter18 - 11 Years Ago
So is there any issue with having them re ground does it take off enough to cause a push rod issue does it hurt them to be reground ?
By MoonShadow - 11 Years Ago
I think the hardest part is finding a machinest that can re radius them or even understands what that is. Sort of a Y-Block thing I guess. Chuck
By Riz - 11 Years Ago
They're not that expensive, if you are going through the work to pull them out a new set will be worth eliminating one way to wipe out the cam. Cheap insurance if it avoids tearing it apart again.
By 2721955meteor - 11 Years Ago
all flat tapet camed engines hyd or meckanical have convex lifters,even diesel engines.the cam grinders hear in vancuver have a fixture for doing the job.last set i had machined it was 5 dollers per lifter. they ar fusey about which ones they will do
By OlWeldinrig - 10 Years Ago
I realize this is an old thread but was thinking about resurfaceing a set of lifters for my 312. I thought the lifters were flat and cam lobes were tapered or not "square" to promote the lifter to rotate.I remember from auto mech coarse where an instructor told me to always check a new cam shaft for taper because he has found out of the box jobber cams that were flat causing premature wear.Or is this different on a Yblock?(concave lifter face)We planned on using a very old valve machine which has a flat stone for doing flathead lifters. Dave
By NoShortcuts - 10 Years Ago
Dave. ...Just to recap what has been previously shared - the surface of each cam lobe on your cam shaft has a slight taper from the front of the engine toward the rear... - each valve lifter face that contacts the camshaft lobe has a convex (crowned) surface... - the valve lifter crowned face makes a line of contact with the slightly tapered cam lobe face it mates with... - the taper on the cam lobe mating with the convex crown of the vale lifter causes the valve lifter to rotate in its bore as the camshaft rotates to actuate the valve... - the rotating valve lifter causes the connecting pushrod between the valve lifter and rockerarm to also rotate...
New or properly resurfaced valve lifters have a convex face. They do not have a flat face. A valve lifter with a concave face is WORN and will ruin a cam lobe quickly. New camshaft lobes are slightly tapered from one edge of the cam lobe to the other.
My understanding is that... - the machined surface finish of the cam lobe and the mating valve lifter face are important - the machined taper of each cam lobe is important - the machined convex form of the valve lifter face surface is important
Recommendation - new camshaft, use new or properly resurfaced valve lifters - do not resurface used valve lifters yourself; use someone with the correct equipment and experience for the work - use of proper assembly lube for lobes and lifters - use of proper engine oil containing the correct amount of zinc additive for solid type lifters - follow engine break-in procedure described earlier in thread for new camshaft and new or resurfaced valve lifters
Hope this helps.
By OlWeldinrig - 10 Years Ago
Thanks for clarification Dave