I disassembled an engine with the above combination. The heads were EBV. Johns site lists them as having 1.78 in. intakes but these had 1.64. There was a late 2 bbl intake installed. Looked like it sealed but barely. Two of the narrower seal points measured .085 inches and .061 across.
This almost certainly was a throw together job by a large rebuilder. Rods were EBU. Head bolts a mixture of grade 4 and 8.
But the engine looked like it gave full service. There was a 4 speed trans with hand brake around drive shaft, so it would have been an F350 up truck.
Mike, located in the Siskiyou mountains, Southern, OR 292 powered 1946 Ford 1/2 ton, '62 Mercury Meteor, '55 Country Squire (parting out), '64 Falcon, '54 Ford 600 tractor.