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Posted By mikeT 2 Years Ago
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Posted 2 Years Ago
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Supercharged (124 reputation)Supercharged (124 reputation)Supercharged (124 reputation)Supercharged (124 reputation)Supercharged (124 reputation)Supercharged (124 reputation)Supercharged (124 reputation)Supercharged (124 reputation)Supercharged (124 reputation)

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Wondering if anyone has had trouble reaching Jon Mummerts?  Trying to order a truck thermostat housing and an alternator bracket kit.
Have left a couple messages, but haven't heard back? Hope There not dealing with this Covid stuff?

Posted 2 Years Ago
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Supercharged (2.5K reputation)Supercharged (2.5K reputation)Supercharged (2.5K reputation)Supercharged (2.5K reputation)Supercharged (2.5K reputation)Supercharged (2.5K reputation)Supercharged (2.5K reputation)Supercharged (2.5K reputation)Supercharged (2.5K reputation)

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I've not called, but almost all email inquiries go unanswered. 
Posted 2 Years Ago
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Normally aspirated

Normally aspirated (46 reputation)Normally aspirated (46 reputation)Normally aspirated (46 reputation)Normally aspirated (46 reputation)Normally aspirated (46 reputation)Normally aspirated (46 reputation)Normally aspirated (46 reputation)Normally aspirated (46 reputation)Normally aspirated (46 reputation)

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I sent an email on December 2nd, and the email came back.  The last time I sent an email, and got a reply from a Robert.  He hasn't replied, either.
Posted 2 Years Ago
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Supercharged (840 reputation)Supercharged (840 reputation)Supercharged (840 reputation)Supercharged (840 reputation)Supercharged (840 reputation)Supercharged (840 reputation)Supercharged (840 reputation)Supercharged (840 reputation)Supercharged (840 reputation)

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His web site says  "its best to call"
I'm having similar probs with Eaton Detroit springs.
Guess its down to covid
stay safe
All credit to Eaton Detroit Spring they delivered despite covid problems.
I thought they were going to e-mail me with a tracking number.
One afternoon the wife asked "are you expecting a parcel?" I said No.
Parcel was from EDS .
Thought I'd set the record straight.

Posted 2 Years Ago
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Supercharged (2.5K reputation)Supercharged (2.5K reputation)Supercharged (2.5K reputation)Supercharged (2.5K reputation)Supercharged (2.5K reputation)Supercharged (2.5K reputation)Supercharged (2.5K reputation)Supercharged (2.5K reputation)Supercharged (2.5K reputation)

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Last Active: 1 hour ago
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Take a look at General Springs, Kansas City, KS. 

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