This is for those of you that have a bird and installed the headers from FORD Power train and have an auto trans of some kind.
Have you tried changing the oil filter with these headers? Pretty messy, because you'll have to reach up around the collector to remove the filter, OK that's not so bad BUT you'll have to dump the filter as you turn it sideways to get it out and the old hot oil goes all over the collector.
So you could make some kind of a temporary drip pan but here's what I did to overcome that problem and hopefully have easier access and maybe better cooling as a bonus. i know the remote filter's nothing new but I wanted it to look like it was something meant to be there, sort of factory-like?? So much for my rationale.
Anyway here is how I did it.
I fabbed a mount from aluminum angle and used the FORD clutch bellcrank location holes, already taped (thanks Henry) located right on top of the drivers side frame rail under the steering column and bought a trans-dapt kit.
All this tucks under the battery tray although i'll probably relocate my battery to the space between the trunk and seat back. If you keep the battery location as is you can drop the filter out the bottom by removing the drivers side splash pan on the inside fenderwell (no big deal either). No sheet metal was altered in the process. Of course you could do this with other kinds of headers or stock manifolds just for the cooling benefit. I try to avoid screwing something to the fenderwell or firewall.
I may have to add heat shielding although we'll see what the heat gets like,. There is more clearance than the photos might show.
A L A N F R A K E S ~ Tulsa, OK