Ted. I looked at the cylinder head [6049] listings and camshaft [6250] listings in both of the following...
- 1955-56-57 * Ford * passenger car and Thunderbird * Chassis Parts and Accessories Catalog * Form 7516 * [yellow, white, black, grey cover]
- 1949 - 1957 * Ford * Police Interceptor * Parts List * February 1957 * Supersedes Parts List Dated February, 1956
I don't have Mercury Chassis and Body Catalogs that include the year 1955
I expected to see some 'police special' or 'police interceptor' differentiated performance listing for a camshaft or perhaps modified (broached? higher compression) heads. To my disappointment the parts listings I had available indicated no special or optional offerings in cylinder head or camshaft listings for Ford passenger cars, 'Birds, or Ford Police Interceptor applications in the two sources I scrutinized.
Based upon numerous past postings on the Forum dealing with camshaft specs, I would recommend your contacting John Harding [Forum handle: 'Oldmics']. John may have some Mercury camshaft information that would shed light on differences between Ford and Mercury camshafts (IF any) in 1955.
Felix Natoli, Thunderbird owner and avid 'Bird hobbyist since 1957 here in NY, has shared glimpses he's seen of experimental developments that Mercury division pursued in the mid '50s related to intake manifold development that was separate from Ford Motor Division and apparently pursued with Edelbrock. Jon Hardgrove, owner of The Carburetor Shop LLC in Eldon, Missouri, has what he believes is a '56 Mercury factory experimental 2x4 set-up with Carter WCFB carburetors. Mercury's stand alone use of the Carter WCFB on some models of the '56 Mercs was a clear example of their independence and pursuit of engine development apart from Ford Division in that era, too.
Ted, IF your digging for a difference between '55 Ford and Mercury 292 engine offerings yields nothing, we'll be left to assume that their advertised horsepower ratings were another example of advertising / marketing hype that has probably been going on forever throughout the automotive industry.
Wish I could be of more help. THANKS for ALL the information you're always sharing with us! -Greatly appreciated!
a.k.a. Charlie Brown
near Syracuse, New York