A clean and safe way to remove rust

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By Pete 55Tbird - 12 Years Ago
I posted this in another section of the forum but I think more guys will see it in the technical section so here it is'

Rust removal can be SAFE and CHEAP and CLEAN. Do a Youtube search of rust removal using electrolysis and watch a few videos. Just remember do not use stainless steel for the sacrificial anode as that will produce TOXIC FUMES.

This flat out works and gets behind panels and inside blocks and otherwise inaccessible parts. Check it out. Pete
By janebrooks - 12 Years Ago
Thanks for the important information. But I have a query whether is there any way to resist the toxic fumes???
By Pete 55Tbird - 12 Years Ago
There will be no toxic fumes as long as you use plain iron or steel for the sacraficial anode.


The slight electrical charge in the water does break down H2O into HYDROGEN and OXYGEN so do not use anyplace without good ventilation. Use common sense.

The water and rust mixture left over after you finish is NOT TOXIC and I just pour it out on my lawn ( like buying iron fertilizer at Home Depot.) There is a lot of info on this process if you do a Google search you can check it for yourself. Pete
By lyonroad - 12 Years Ago
If you are using Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3) commonly called washing soda and you have moss in your lawn (common on the wet coast) pour it there. Sodium Carbonate as wellas iron oxide are an old timey moss killers.
By Daniel Jessup - 12 Years Ago
FWIW, I posted quite a few photos of an electrolysis experiment on parts... you can find it in the This and That section under Y block hardware

Pete is right on the money!