T-5 Spacer/Adapter Plate

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By Noob - 15 Years Ago
I didnt want to bug John just yet, but need to know the thickness of the adaptor plate he sells for affixing a T-5 tranny to a Y.  If anybody knows the amount of rotation his new design offers that would  be great too.

I'm awaiting a gutted case and tail section so I can mock-up investigate frame and tunnel mods will be necessary before cut'n and weld'n. 

Thanks in advance for any replies.

Cheers... Brian

By yehaabill - 15 Years Ago
Y-Guy Noob:      I'll try to measure mine wednesday and get back to you.


By yehaabill - 15 Years Ago
Y-Guy Noob        Sorry it took so long to get the measurement, it's

                  3/4" thick give or take a 1/16".


By Noob - 15 Years Ago
Cool beans, Bill... I have an empty T-5 case and tail coming next week for mock-up and now I can make some temp spacers (+/- 1/16", lol) to see whats what.  I may still have to bug John, cuz I understand the new plates have a clockwise rotation to postion the shifter closer to the driver. Thanks again, Bill for the measure.

Cheers... Brian

By Tom Compton - 15 Years Ago
It has been several years but recall the thickness being .750" and therefore did not need to shorten the input shaft.
By Noob - 15 Years Ago
Ok fellas... noob here... which is it, 3/4" OR .750 ???? Geesh... now I'm gonna have to make two different spacer sets... Hehe
By yehaabill - 15 Years Ago
Y-Guy Noob:              18.? mm...................


By shakey pete - 15 Years Ago
.750 is the same as 3/4 of an inch Tongue
By Hoosier Hurricane - 15 Years Ago

I come up with 19.05 mm, but that is a moot point because Ys are built to fractional sizes, so the related parts should be fractional also.  Just had to pull your chain a little, lol.

By John Mummert - 15 Years Ago
The adapter is 3/4" .750" or 19.05mm thick,depends on the mood we're in that day. The original adapters were not rotated because the bottom 2 bolt holes actually line up with the 49-64 bellhousing. This made mounting the transmission easy but the rear mount was rotated making the crossmember a pain.

The rotated version moves the shifter closer and makes the rear mount easier but makes mounting the adapter to the bellhousing a little more involved.

The pilot portion of input shaft must be shortened 1/4" so it doesn't bottom in the back of crankshaft. If the adapter is made thick enough so that the input shaft doesn't need to shortened you won't get full engagement of the splines.