Remote oil filter
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By MoonShadow - 18 Years Ago
Will any of the later remote oil filter adapters fit the Y-Block? Chuck
By Glen Henderson - 18 Years Ago
I think so, as long as you have the spin on filter adapter, I see no reason that they wouldn't work. Ford had a right angle filter adapter, I think it was used on some H/D trucks.
By 46yblock - 18 Years Ago
The remote setup requires a bypass adaptor for the block which attaches to your existing spinon adaptor, and the actual remote filter holder which is mounted wherever you choose.  Quite a few suppliers have them.  Speedway, AutoZone, and others.  Mine is a Haynes that came from Autozone.  Make sure the hoses going from the bypass to the oil filter recepticle are high pressure, hydraulic rated.  Not run of the mill water heater hose.  Speedway has the hose in either blue or black. 



By MoonShadow - 18 Years Ago
Which bypass adapter? If I remember correctly the SBF 289/302 ones work. Don't want to buy the wrong thing! Chuck
By 46yblock - 18 Years Ago,,_Remote-Bypass-Adapters.html?itemNo=REMOTE+OIL+FILTER

This Speedway bypass #7201013 would work, or any bypass with the 3/4 "-16 thread.  Many Ford motors use the same one.  FYI the Haynes unit has two options on the same bypass for hose attachment.  One with hoses running roughly parallel to block, and the other has the hoses going straight out from the block.  You just plug the two that arent used.  It gives a little more flexibility.


By carl - 18 Years Ago
chuck i have a 57 312 in the garage that has a Hildebrand remote filter adapter on has two fittings  one in the center and one on the outer edge.i didnt take it off to see what the inside looks like  carl
By Frankenstein57 - 18 Years Ago
If your into salvage parts, I pulled a nice remote filter cooler setup off of a 88 e350 460 econoline van. My wifes windstar 3.8 has one too. happy hunting, Mark