By 312YBlock - 3 Years Ago
Can anyone suggest a good Speedo cable lubricate. Ideally a liquid I could let run down inside the conduit after removing it from the speedometer.
By DryLakesRacer - 3 Years Ago
I’ve used this because of it’s applicator. I prefer lubriplate and removing the inner cable. I’ve never had a problem putting it back as long as it was disconnected from the transmission. I have replaced the entire cable with one from a speedo shop in Colorado after it failed. It is lined and has a plastic out cover. The wife and I put it in and we are in our last 70’s.
By paul2748 - 3 Years Ago
There is a lubricant name Kable-Eaze that I heard about. Bought some and am going to try it. Got it at Amazon.
By 312YBlock - 3 Years Ago
Does the cable just pull out once you disconnect it from the transmission?
By Joe-JDC - 3 Years Ago
The spiral wire cable does pull out of the housing. It is splined/hex/four sided ends engage the odometer. Some devious folks used to use a reverse drill motor and back up their odometer mileage by removing the cable from the transmission. I have always had good luck with light weight graphite grease, either dry or wet, on the cable. Joe-JDC
By 312YBlock - 3 Years Ago
Thanks all, good info 🍻
By BKernell - 3 Years Ago
I have always used Vaseline and never had a problem with my speedo cable