By Daniel Jessup - 3 Years Ago
I live about 10-15 minutes from Bob's house, and since several of you were asking me of his whereabouts and why he has not been answering the phone nor returning phone calls for quite some time I decided to just run over to his house. During his knee surgery he misplaced his cell phone and of course has no idea of the high number of phone calls he has received. Secondly, he is recovering from knee surgery and is not able to get around very well as you might expect. He was able to walk outside and take this photo with me - I told Bob we needed the picture for verification that he was still alive and kicking!
By bird55 - 3 Years Ago
Nice of you to check on Bob. Fine person, I first met him years ago at one of the early y block shootouts
By Marc - 3 Years Ago
Good to know Bob's doing ok. Thanks for posting this!
By peglegrice - 2 Years Ago
Thanks Danny, I would not have known about this if you had not written this. If you see him again tell him I hope He's feeling better. Getting old is not for sissies!