1955 flasher

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By darrell - 3 Years Ago
where is the flasher on a 55.ive been under the dash and cant find it.im changing to 12 volts.
By Tedster - 3 Years Ago
Activate the left or right turn signal and listen for the clicking noise!
By DryLakesRacer - 3 Years Ago
In a 56 it’s over the heater controls and a pain to get to. The mounted clip can break a plastic one. 
By darrell - 3 Years Ago
its making no noise.ill check over the heater in the morning.ive been under the dash till i seen stars.wherever its at its hidden.theres a video online of a 55 and he gave up and installed another flasher elsewhere.
By Ted - 3 Years Ago
The flasher on my ’55 Customline is tied up with the wiring harness on the left side of the dash.  Pretty sure that the flasher on my ’55 is not in the exact same location as originally installed at the factory as I’ve had the dash out of the car in the past.

One flasher wire goes to the ignition switch while the other wire goes to the junction connecting block that feeds the steering column.  On my ’55, it’s a blue wire going from the junction box to the flasher so if you can spot that junction connector which is at the end of the wiring coming out of the steering column, then you may be able to trace that particular wire to the flasher.
By darrell - 3 Years Ago
thanks everyone.a couple of guys on fordbarn knew where it was.in the centre of the 4 control switches.lights wipers air etc.it shoves straight into a clip.an orange wire leads to it.it wasnt making a sound.i never would have fond it.