By montana ford man - 4 Years Ago
I just took all the trim off my crown victoria and most pieces are in great shape but the tiara on the inside is pitted and the chrome is peeling.Im not sure what to do, I thought I could have the 4 pieces rechromed but was quoted 0n line about $1400 without shipping cant find a chrome replating service locally so i was wondering what some of you did maybe powder coat or just painting it myself.? my car wont be painted and put back together till spring so I have time to figure out what Im going to do.. any suggestions?
By Lou - 4 Years Ago
Give the "Bumber Boyz" a call 1-800-815-9009 or email them with pictures of what you need plated and see what their prices are.. Recroming is not cheap, when i did my 55 & 56 crown I was lucky that I was able to clean the inside crome .
By montana ford man - 4 Years Ago
thanks i will give them a call. the car sat out for a long time before I got it and the outside trim is in great shape but the inside chrome pitted and peeled.the windows were up and i think thats why they are in bad shape. the floorboards rusted time can really deteriorate a car.
By miker - 4 Years Ago
Bumper Boyz rang a bell. Here’s a search of them on the HAMB. It’s worth a read. Never used them myself. Opinions seem to vary.
By Lou - 4 Years Ago
I used them on my one of my 57s, used Boston Chrome on my other 57, I could not tell the difference and the Boyz were 20% less.
By 55blacktie - 4 Years Ago
Looks like they have mostly negative reviews.