Cruise Night Shut Downs
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By Florida_Phil - 4 Years Ago
I know this isn't a technical issue, but it affects all of us in the hobby.  Here in Florida, all car shows and cruise nights have been shut down.  Our Wednesday morning cars and coffee meetings have been as well.  My wife and I have been doing a lot of back road cruising.   Traffic is so light, we could take the major highways if we wanted to.  We don't because there is always someone who wants to win the race no matter where it is. They run up behind you like they own the road and tailgate until you turn off.   We avoid them whenever we can. 

I have fixed everything on my car that was on my wish list.  My choke even works!   Are any of you in the same boat? 
By charliemccraney - 4 Years Ago
Same here.
By 57RancheroJim - 4 Years Ago
Same here. Wife and I do the back roads too.
By FORD DEARBORN - 4 Years Ago
Same here in Michigan along with another added restriction. Like, no unnecessary driving because that will eventually require a trip to the gas station, touching stuff, meeting the inside attendant etc..  I have noticed an unusual amount of police hanging around our roads lately.  Hope this ends soon.
By DryLakesRacer - 4 Years Ago
So Cal closed down 4 weeks ago. A few of us still go down to Donut Derelicts in Huntington Beach anyway on Saturday mornings but not the normal 100+. This morning there about 25 so guys are getting fed up. I live in Fountain Valley a single dwelling suburb next to Huntington of about 55k folks. We’ve had 24 cases many over with, 2 empty hospitals, suffering layoffs. No telling how many were actually in the hospital. Wife and I are looking forward to going out to dinner.
By MoonShadow - 4 Years Ago
I've always loved cruising the back roads. They are journeys of discovery! 
By carl - 4 Years Ago
I like to cruise the back roads also but the last one we took a couple weeks ago a deer decided to commit suicide on the front of our car,wasnt driving the 56 we were in our new escape didn't get hurt but did around 10 grand in repair cost,  Carl
By Florida_Phil - 4 Years Ago
Yikes!!   We live near the Ocala National Forest.  The two lane paved roads through the forest are great for cruising.  Lots of little old houses, horse farms and lakes.  Looks like Florida sixty years ago.  Lots of deer too, mostly before dawn.  I hope....
By ian57tbird - 4 Years Ago
All events shut down in Australia over a month ago. I was going to take the Tbird out this week to give it a run but unfortunately it mostly looks like rain.  The government was quick to act and we've only had 70 deaths from it. Almost all cases here are from people coming back from overseas and cruise ships.
By Florida_Phil - 4 Years Ago
Our State Governor issued a stay at home order until May 1st.  They opened the Jacksonville beach yesterday for limited use. I expect things will start to loosen up by the end of the month.  Our cars and coffee meetings may pick back up.  We are all a bunch of old guys, so we have to be extra careful and stay apart.  Big cruise nights may not happen until much later.  In the mean time my wife and I are burning up the back roads. Gas is as cheap as I have seen it in years.  At our house regular is 1.69 a gallon.  I use high test and have no idea what I am paying as I only buy 5 gallons at a time.
By Robs36Ford - 4 Years Ago
All the local cruise and swaps in the Ottawa (Canada) region are cancelled too. One swap meet 400 miles away is postponed to Sept 5 weekend (fingers crossed)
My 36 needs a water pump that doesn't leak and the rear fenders need the patch panels I ordered and never arrived !!!! Will be looking for insurance too.
Also I was planning to attend Bonneville but.....
By slumlord444 - 4 Years Ago

Illinois is shut down like the rest of the country. I currentlyl live on the back roads and no restrictions on driving at this time. Been trying to get my 65 Mustang farther along in the restomod process. Haven't had the T Bird out yet. In the process of geting a new house in town built and getting the family farm ready to sell. Miss no car stuff and swap meets to go to. Some day this will be over.

By Genuinerod - 4 Years Ago
Florida Phil, I wish I had your gas prices.  I live in the bay area in Taxifornia and regular runs a less than $3.00 a gallon with diesel about $4.00.  And this is with the  prices down right now.  Sometimes it is nice to leave the state and see how the normal people live.  I still drive but you have to pony up for the ride.  Lot different when, I as a 18 year old kid and gas was $.25 a gallon at the scrubron that I worked in 1965.  I run premium in my 57T-Bird that I bought in 1968.  Gas for it is well over $3.00.   
By Florida_Phil - 4 Years Ago
I believe the cheapest gas I can remember when I was a kid in the sixties was 18.9 cents a gallon during a gas war.  At 169.9 a gallon now it's actually cheaper.  I don't think we have the cheapest gas in the country.  I would bet it's closer to a dollar a gallon somewhere.  Some day this virus thing will be over.  Probably later than sooner.  I wish they would hurry, us old guys don't have that many days left.  Smile
By Lord Gaga - 4 Years Ago
Hope to take my '57 out for the first time this year today. They say it may get up to 59* and sunny. It's been cold here in NE Ohio. I expect the weather will transition from too cold to too hot next month sometime. Premium here is only $1.83 a gallon, winter blend. I'll drive South about 30 miles to a station that sells 90 octane alky free gas and fill up. Not sure of price but it can't be too much more.
By FORD DEARBORN - 4 Years Ago
These cheap fuel prices are very enjoyable for us consumers, if we can consume. When this virus is over, I only hope all else will be OK too.  This is nuts, spot crude is $10 a barrel for not good reasons. I've had my truck out for a good cruise with my wife several weeks ago and need to do this again soon. It's mental therapy of the best kind to hear and feel a Y-block in a light vehicle. Stay safe everyone, JEFF.............
By ian57tbird - 4 Years Ago
I found this site great for working out where to fuel up when travelling around the USA. I see there are a few places down below a dollar a gallon now. The cheapest I spotted on the map was 92 cents a gallon near Oklahoma City. Fuel here in Australia is the cheapest we have seen since the 90's. Not as cheap as your fuel though.
By PF Arcand - 4 Years Ago
About the only thing good about this Corvid crises is gas prices.. Ours for the last couple of years are amongst the highest in N. America! ( I won't try to explain it, as are Gas is sold in Litres/ Canadian $)   But, they have dropped dramatically in the last few weeks. Problem is that many businesss are closed, including sit in resturants. And most venues of any sort are cancelled, & schools are closed.. It's been a big hit for many, as their jobs have suddenly disappered.. So, other than going for necessary Groceries once a week or so, or a cruise somewhere, away from the city, there isn't much reason to be on the road... So, everyone practise social distancing, wash your hands often & try not to be the next victum or spreader of the virus!           .. from near Vancouver B.C. Canada...     
By Florida_Phil - 4 Years Ago
Things are starting to loosen up a little here.  Restrictions are in the hands of the State Governors. Florida has stay at home order until the end of the month.  Georgia is lifting theirs this weekend.  Our State will probably follow.  I don't see the Florida Theme Parks opening for some time.  Car shows not until the summer or fall.  I may drive by our weekly cars and coffee this morning to see if anyone shows.  I don't see a problem as long as it doesn't get too big and we stay 6 feet apart. The people I feel sorry for are all the people who are out of work and the small business owners.  If you didn't have a little savings to fall back on, things have to be bleak.  My father grew up during the depression in the 30s.  It affected the way he thought his while life.  Now we know why.
By charliemccraney - 4 Years Ago
Loosening up now means we're going to have a strong second wave.  Don't confuse it to mean that it is safe.  It is not, yet.  We are not on the recovery end of this.

Our governor (Georgia) didn't know that people can spread the disease without having symptoms until 24 hours before he started the lock down (so he says, anyway).  I heard about that at least a month before.  I have no faith in our leadership.
By 57RancheroJim - 4 Years Ago
X2 what Charlie said. This early opening may very well bite us in the ass..
By DryLakesRacer - 4 Years Ago
If everyone keeps their distance and wears some type of face cover when out I don’t see a problem. I’ve never been a touchy-feely guy or hugger so it’s ez for me. In my county they are already suggesting over 65 and those with illnesses stay close to home when they open up. I see eating establishments having the most problems because of seating. I’m still going to my normal Saturday morning gathering but instead of 100 cars there are now 15-20 up from 5 and they don’t last very long maybe 30 minutes instead of 2-3 hours.
By Tim Quinn - 4 Years Ago
Have you any WAWA Convenient Stores in your area ? They have real gas (no ethanol) and it is 89 octane !!!
I use it all the time here in Central Florida. Car gets better gas mileage by 3 miles per gallon, which is about 20% better mileage and it performs better on real fuel....more BTU'S.
It cost more but if you calculate the fact that you're getting 20% better gas mileage, then it means you are paying almost the same a regular 87 octane ethanol gas.
 Central Florida

By Lord Gaga - 4 Years Ago
Nice car Tim! Is that a glass top? You're right about that gas. Here in O-HI-O they call it 90 octane and frown upon putting it in your automobile but...
Right now premium 89 is $1.70 and the alky free 90 is $3.30.