By John Mummert - 6 Years Ago
We got a few sample castings of the new single plane intake. Finished height is 1.66" taler than the high rise intake for now. It could be cut down a little more but we will need to do some testing. Sent a machined sample to Joe and Ted for first testing. Didn't get there in time for the EMC engine. Carb flange can be machined for 4150/4160 or Dominator patterns.

By charliemccraney - 6 Years Ago
By suede57ford - 6 Years Ago
That looks like it could really make some power.
By Ted - 6 Years Ago
Joe has the one sent to us for testing. I haven’t seen it yet as it’s at Joe’s where he checking the air flow numbers on it. That picture is the first one I’ve seen of the completed casting and it looks great. Hopefully Joe and I should have the EMC engine back on the dyno in three weeks or so and part of the plan is to give that new single plane manifold a work out.
By yalincoln - 6 Years Ago
Damn that looks great!
By Joe-JDC - 6 Years Ago
 Since we have one being sent to Ted's shop that will be needed back in stock configuration, I went ahead and worked on mine to see how it will respond to normal porting techniques. I tried to keep the exits the same size as a Fel Pro gasket opening, which is smallish with the idea that the velocity would be high. I was able to increase the flow from stock quite a bit with mostly plenum work. I did not really spend much time in the runners until I have a dyno test to see how it is going to perform. Joe-JDC
By Ted - 5 Years Ago
By GREENBIRD56 - 5 Years Ago
The "RIGHT STUFF"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Too bad it won't fit under the hood scoop of a 'bird.............
By 2721955meteor - 4 Years Ago
GREENBIRD56 (12/2/2020)
The "RIGHT STUFF"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too bad it won't fit under the hood scoop of a 'bird............. to bad there is no manifold heat, we in the north need heat under the carb
By 55blacktie - 4 Years Ago
I don't think you want to run a single-plane manifold on a street application that requires a heat crossover for a choke.
By PF Arcand - 4 Years Ago
It's a high peformance / race intake, not really intended for everyday driving.. For northern latitudes driving, probably the best Dual plane 4 Bb'l performance intake available is the Blue Thunder intake. It has crossover heat, (Mummert's 4 Bb'l dual plane intakes don't). although I don't believe the Blue Thunder includes a choke heat tube, so an electric choke may be needed in some cases..
By Ted - 4 Years Ago
PF Arcand (4/7/2021) It's a high peformance / race intake, not really intended for everyday driving.. For northern latitudes driving, probably the best Dual plane 4 Bb'l performance intake available is the Blue Thunder intake. It has crossover heat, (Mummert's 4 Bb'l dual plane intakes don't). although I don't believe the Blue Thunder includes a choke heat tube, so an electric choke may be needed in some cases. The Blue Thunder intake manifolds do have the provision for using the factory heated choke coils. Instead of using a metal tube, the BT intake simply has an ample amount of aluminum cast into the heated crossover section so that instead of a tube being used, incorporates a drilled hole going from one side of the intake to the other. The factory hardware hooks up to the exposed holes. There’s no heated choke tube to rot out on the Blue Thunder intakes.
By PF Arcand - 4 Years Ago
Ted; Thanks for the clarification re choke heat..
By 2721955meteor - 4 Years Ago
where can I buy a blue thunder,tryed to contact them but no reply(bc canada) I have several contacts hear so could probably sell ```````5 0r 6
By KULTULZ - 4 Years Ago
BLUE THUNDER only sells (did) through authorized sellers.
By miker - 4 Years Ago
Try FPA, they're a Blue Thunder dealer. Also make the headers for the 55-57 birds. If memory serves me correctly they're down by Spanaway, just east of Tacoma.
By Joe-JDC - 4 Years Ago
Somehow, this tread got off track. Originally it was about the Mummert single plane intake, which only about 5 were cast. Then it switched to the BT intake. The BT is not a single plane intake for racing, but a dual plane aluminum intake made to look like the original Ford intake in several versions with divider cut down, not cut down, Ford part number, and Ford part number with firing order. 
By silent rick - 4 Years Ago
any new news?
any thoughts about casting something like this? it's photoshopped and both carbs would have to be moved forward a bit but you get the idea.

By DryLakesRacer - 4 Years Ago
Found a new one, BT, in the box with all related attaching bolts, studs, and washers on eBay. List prices are now about + $100. Just lucky I guess. Bought a Summit carb for it 2 months ago. Had to wait for assembly.
By PF Arcand - 4 Years Ago
silent rick: Dual 4 Bbl intakes already exist for Y-Blocks, factory & older aftermarket units. It's extremely unlikely that a new unit like you describe will ever happen, because for one thing, the development of one would likely never recover the cost..