By paul2748 - 7 Years Ago
What are the differences between the TBird 55/56 front brake shoes and the TBird 57 brake shoes. I see listing this way. Size? I don t have any reference to see if the size of the 57 shoes are different. I know 56's are 2 1/4 x 11
By 57RancheroJim - 7 Years Ago
According to my 57 shop manual they are 11", but they list the primary shoe as 2" and secondary as 2 1/2". That seems strange to me but I'm not a Bird expert.
By Pete 55Tbird - 7 Years Ago
Paul, the 55/56 Tbird used the Ford Station Wagon brakes front and rear. The 57 Tbird used the Ford 9 inch rear end rather than the Dana 44, used on the 55/56 Tbird. Start there Pete
By paul2748 - 7 Years Ago
Pete thanks - but the front's are the ones that show a difference.
57RancheroJim (11/30/2018)
According to my 57 shop manual they are 11", but they list the primary shoe as 2" and secondary as 2 1/2". That seems strange to me but I'm not a Bird expert.
By paul2748 - 7 Years Ago
Thanks Jim - I know it sounds funny, but maybe that's the difference. The primary shoe on the 56 shows 1 3/4 (secondary 2 1/4). Most sets today have the 2 1/4 for both primary and secondary based on the two sets that I have here
57RancheroJim (11/30/2018)
According to my 57 shop manual they are 11", but they list the primary shoe as 2" and secondary as 2 1/2". That seems strange to me but I'm not a Bird expert.
By Pete 55Tbird - 7 Years Ago
Paul, OK look up front brakes 1955/56 Ford Station Wagon/Courier on any parts website. A word of caution about turning the Drums. I don`t know just when the MAX OVERSIZE was part of the Drum but .030 is a good LIMIT or distortion/warping can occur when brakes are used and drums get HOT. Pete
Paul, if this is not the issue can you explain IN A DIFFERENT way what the issue is?
By 57RancheroJim - 7 Years Ago
I'm only guessing but the 57 is probably heavier then the 55-56 hence the wider shoes?
By Sandbird - 7 Years Ago
Paul, From the '57 TBird Engineering and Specifications Manual from CTCI the front secondary lining is 11" x 2 1/2" and the front primary is 11" x 2".
By Pete 55Tbird - 7 Years Ago
From the 1949 to 1959 Ford Parts Manual front brake shoe and lining S/D, S/W B6A 2001 - B My magic decoder reads this as S = Tbird W = Station Wagon D = Courier delivery 2-AF 2018 -Y Primary 2-AF 2019 -U Secondary You got a computer, get to work. Pete
By paul2748 - 7 Years Ago
Seems to be a lot of different answers here but I appreciate everyone's contribution. Some say 2 1/4, some 2 1/2 on the 57. secondary. I don't have 57 (ONLY A 56) shop manual so that is why I posed the question. I have a set of brakes shoes for an early TBird and both primary and secondary shoes are 2 1/4 (primary linings a little shorter as usual) that I want to sell and don't want to misrepresent them.
As far as the different brake setup, Kultulz, my 56 has no such items and are just like any later Ford. I have changed them twice so I know whats under the drum. If I remember correctly, I bought the shoes from a Tbird parts supplier
Sandbird - this is different than what the shop manual says per RancheroJim but may be correct as CASCO's listing for drums show the 57 as different
I thought that my question was clear enough - what is the difference between 55/56 and 57 front brake shoes
By Pete 55Tbird - 7 Years Ago
Paul, 1 min on Google
By paul2748 - 7 Years Ago
Pete - I appreciate your responding to my question, but I don't understand how they apply to my question
By KULTULZ - 7 Years Ago
"What are the differences between the TBird 55/56 front brake shoes and the TBird 57 brake shoes. I see listing this way. Size? I don t have any reference to see if the size of the 57 shoes are different. I know 56's are 2 1/4 x 11
I am sorry about confusing you but your original question was confusing.
FORD varied the size of the linings between the PASS CAR and BIRD to achieve proper brake bias using the same style foundation brakes on both cars to save money.
The lining sizes are described fully in the appropriate year SHOP MANUAL. I have one (57) but it is still packed away somewhere. The MPC does not give the sizes.
On the 55/56 cars, there were three lining sizes depending on car type. All were 11" but had different lining sizes on the same shoe. It sounds like what you have is either for a PASS CAR or WAGON.
If my scanner worked, I would post the 55/56 chart to show the sizing chart.
Sorry about that ...
By Pete 55Tbird - 7 Years Ago
Paul, I am sorry I was so cryptic. On the link I posted the brake shoes AC=Delco in the center have a link. Are these compatible with my car?. You fill it out and see. Then call up NAPA and order them. Go look at them. AND that's your answer. Pete
By Sandbird - 7 Years Ago
Found this in my 57 Ford and Thunderbird Shop Manual
By KULTULZ - 7 Years Ago
There you go-
Problem solved.
Now that chart shows SPEC for a factory issued car. Most likely, aftermarket and even OEM service replacement shoes will vary. It all depends on manufacturer and time period.
If a set of shoes boxed, you would I.D. by manufacturer and part number (may have been superseded)..
By 57RancheroJim - 7 Years Ago
Sandbird (12/2/2018)
Found this in my 57 Ford and Thunderbird Shop Manual  That is the info I already posted at the beginning of the post..
By Pete 55Tbird - 7 Years Ago
Paul, I think the reason the answers you got being all over the map is YOUR OWN FAULT. The question you asked was anything but clear and so open-ended that a lot of the people who tried to give you an answer had to assume from your question something entirely different from what you wanted to know. Please remember this is the internet and I do not even know what color your car is. Pete
By KULTULZ - 7 Years Ago
57RancheroJim Posted -
"That is the info I already posted at the begging of the post."
Only partially Jim.
Sandbird showed the SIZING CHART with all 57 CAR foundation brake dimensions. It makes a much easier task of what the the OP's original question was (once we realized what the question was)
Sorry Paul, just had to get that zinger in there ... .
By 57RancheroJim - 7 Years Ago
KULTULZ (12/2/2018)
57RancheroJim Posted - "That is the info I already posted at the begging of the post." Only partially Jim. Sandbird showed the SIZING CHART with all 57 CAR foundation brake dimensions. It makes a much easier task of what the the OP's original question was (once we realized what the question was) Sorry Paul, just had to get that zinger in there ...  . Sorry I don't see where the info I posted from the same 57 shop manual is any different, a picture doesn't change it.
By KULTULZ - 7 Years Ago
"Sorry I don't see where the info I posted from the same 57 shop manual is any different, a picture doesn't change it."

By Pete 55Tbird - 7 Years Ago
OK guys TIME-OUT Good info REGARDLESS of source is why I come Here. Pete
By paul2748 - 7 Years Ago
Jeez - all this (three pages) for an answer to very simple question. Special thanks to sandbird and 57rancheroJim