By 56_Fairlane - 7 Years Ago
It's called a CHOKE TUBE MUSHROOM BUTTON for a B manifold.
I've seen them at NPD but it sounds like shipping will cost more than the price or the part. Does anyone else sell them with a more reasonable price for shipping?
By 56_Fairlane - 7 Years Ago
Never mind. I found one with help from another member. Thanks anyway.
By PF Arcand - 7 Years Ago
On this subject.. I've wondered exactly what that button does?. Is it just a plug for the end of the heat tube, or is it intended to let a bit of air into the tube?
By Hoosier Hurricane - 7 Years Ago
It lets air in. Supplied heat to the automatic choke. Unfiltered air, what were the engineers thinking?
By KULTULZ - 7 Years Ago
Unless a dedicated restoration, the 56 setup allows for fresh air source.
By 56_Fairlane - 7 Years Ago
I also had to replace the tube noted as 9890 in the diagram. The 2100 carb shown confuses things a bit if trying to reference the diagram for a 56.
By 56_Fairlane - 7 Years Ago
Hoosier Hurricane (1/26/2018)
Paul: It lets air in. Supplied heat to the automatic choke. Unfiltered air, what were the engineers thinking?
None of the air enters the carb for the fuel/air mix.
By KULTULZ - 7 Years Ago
56_Fairlane (2/3/2018)
Hoosier Hurricane (1/26/2018)
Paul: It lets air in. Supplied heat to the automatic choke. Unfiltered air, what were the engineers thinking? None of the air enters the carb for the fuel/air mix. It is drawn by manifold vacuum through the choke mechanism and does affect air/fuel ratio. The carb is (was) calibrated at the factory for the extra air ingestion.  
By 56_Fairlane - 7 Years Ago
Is it a 57 Tbird only thing? I don't remember seeing anything mentioned in the 56 shop manual. I looked at the original teapot from my 56 and I didn't see anything where a tube like this would have attached to it.
By KULTULZ - 7 Years Ago
56_Fairlane (2/4/2018)
Is it a 57 Tbird only thing? I don't remember seeing anything mentioned in the 56 shop manual. I looked at the original teapot from my 56 and I didn't see anything where a tube like this would have attached to it. No, '57 all (V-8). The PARTS ILL I posted is what is found in the 49/59 MPC. It is a compilation drawing showing both 56 and 57 systems. It does confuse but when FORD uses engineering drawings for the parts catalog, they only offer enough detail to find the BASIC PN easily. The 56 setup draws fresh air from the ACL (I believe) and for some reason 57 draws outside unfiltered air. The 56/57 choke was integral to the carb whereas the 55 choke setup was divorced and mounted on the intake. I hope this helps and if more info is needed or I have posted something incorrectly, ask again.
By KULTULZ - 7 Years Ago
Here is another photo showing the 56 specific filtered fresh air intake-
I believe the air inlet tube is connected to the 56 specific ACL nipple with a section of vacuum hose.
By Ted - 7 Years Ago
Keep in mind that while the 1956 ECZ-A 4V intake uses filtered air for the automatic choke, the 1957 and up ECZ-B 4V intake does use the air inlet button at the lower left side of the intake manifold in lieu of using filtered air. The button does keep the big stuff out like the mud daubers.
By 56_Fairlane - 7 Years Ago
KULTULZ (2/5/2018)
Here is another photo showing the 56 specific filtered fresh air intake- I believe the air inlet tube is connected to the 56 specific ACL nipple with a section of vacuum hose.
That rubber hose isn't hooked up to anything. Should it hook up to something under the air horn? My old 56 manifold is missing the fitting on that side.
By Ted - 7 Years Ago
The exposed end of the air inlet in the picture should be going into the bottom of the air cleaner flange portion of the Teapot carb. That is where the filtered air is sourced for that particular setup. There is a rubber grommet at the carb for that choke air inlet tube to fit into. It does become tricky to lower that carb onto the choke tube without bending it.
By KULTULZ - 7 Years Ago
Ted (2/6/2018)
The exposed end of the air inlet in the picture should be going into the bottom of the air cleaner flange portion of the Teapot carb. That is where the filtered air is sourced for that particular setup. There is a rubber grommet at the carb for that choke air inlet tube to fit into. It does become tricky to lower that carb onto the choke tube without bending it.
I was under the impression it connected to the ACL. It now makes sense.
Maybe explains why FORD went to the deflector in 1957 as they would have had to design three different tubes (FORD - HOLLEY - CARTER) for that model run unless they sourced the fresh inlet air from the ACL housing..
Still on a learning curve here... 