By spud 57 - 8 Years Ago
I have a 57 312 the only numbers I can find on the heads are 6090 under the valve cover I no thats all ford heads. The left head is 60 A right head is C 69 ???
By miker - 8 Years Ago
There’s some pictures of where to look, and the casting numbers here
By spud 57 - 8 Years Ago
Thanks that is where i found them there are no other numbers 6090 under valve cover 60 A and C69 between exhaust portes. no date codes ?
By miker - 8 Years Ago
See if this link takes you to the top right of the 3 pictures. Try there, it’s tough to see on the engine or in the car, even worse if not clean.
Don’t get hung up looking for “312” numbers, even if you’ve checked the main caps. Lots of parts got substituted over the years. My first 312 had mismatched heads.
By spud 57 - 8 Years Ago
Heads are disassembled and sandblasted these are the only numbers makes no sense but it must be a Henery thing.
By aussiebill - 8 Years Ago
have you looked under the front water port infront of the intake side of heads?
By spud 57 - 8 Years Ago
By charliemccraney - 8 Years Ago
The numbers are in one of those two spots. 50 years of baked on grim may not come off with a sandblaster. Get a pick or sacrificial screwdriver and make sure it is absolutely clean. The only other option is that someone ground the numbers off but there would be clear evidence of that.
By Ted - 8 Years Ago
Are these cylinder heads still on an engine? Do the heads have freeze plugs in their ends? The head casting numbers on some of the earlier castings will be on the exhaust side of the heads which makes the casting numbers somewhat invisible until the exhaust manifolds are removed. As shown in the supplied links, many of the later model heads have the casting numbers either under the valve cover or under the water ports where the intake bolts on. I have come across instances where the casting numbers under the water ports have been ground off smooth by persons unknown.
By 57RancheroJim - 8 Years Ago
My 57 G heads have the G on the mating surface and under the water port. Not sure if they all had it.

By spud 57 - 8 Years Ago
The heads have been blasted and I see no other numbers anywhere The 60 A and the C69 are under the headers They almost look like they are on a tag and screwed into the head but I can not unscrew or pry the off. the heads are on a supercharged race motor from the 70s did Ford make any HP aftermarket heads?
By charliemccraney - 8 Years Ago
The "Tag" is the date code. That code is usually in the format year, month, day. The letters and numbers you posted don't make sense, though.
Can you post pictures of all the locations these numbers should be, as well as the date codes?
There were no Ford aftermarket HP heads.
By PF Arcand - 8 Years Ago
Ah! this is weird. In some cases references to numbers, for instance for 1957 heads, should read "letters" such as ECZ-G.. And there are no 1970s Y-Blocks...
By spud 57 - 8 Years Ago
I have pictures on my phone but don't know to send them I will see what I can do thanks.