suede57ford (2/12/2017)
The bolt together convertor('57) can be split a part and then the blades can be modified to change the stall speed.
There are article in the older Y-Block magazine how to adapt and modify Fordomatics.
Pat. I wasn't aware that two piece torque converters were used with any of the '57 FordoMatics. I think of the two piece aluminum air cooled torque converters being used in '55 and in '56 'til ~ April when they switched to the water cooled FordoMatics with steel one piece torque converters. I'm not questioning what you're sharing, just seeking additional info.
Were the '57 two piece converters used for particular applications that you know of? Were the torque converters steel casing or aluminum?
Just being able to open the converter up to permit fully cleaning it out would be a plus for me. Thanks for any additional info. you can share.
Charlie Brown