Mummert intake + carb spacer
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By slick56 - 11 Years Ago
Finally have enough spare to order a Mummert intake. Currently running a B intake with 2" spacer;
what manifold would i order, the standard or the +1/2" high rise? Will 2-1/2" above stock be too high
for torque or power?
Plenty of room under the hood with 60's air filter assy.
Thanks, Al. 

By Ted - 11 Years Ago
Here’s the link to the article that was in Y-Block Magazine regarding 2” tall spacer testing on a Mummert intake.  Spacer design would appear to be critical. 
By slick56 - 11 Years Ago
Thanks Ted, quite an eye-opener!
I would not be making much more than half that horsepower tho...
the tapered spacer would add a few neddies, but do
i opt for the standard or hi-rise Mummert initially?

the cam is a Y-270-S, adv. duration 272*. @ .050 224*, .440 lift
C heads with 1.84 in and 1.50 ex, mild porting, milled .025, decked,
cast 292 +.040 pistons, I beam rods, balanced, 62 dizzy,
pertronix, 16* initial, all in 36* @ 2200, 600 holley vac sec,
runs well but the 6litre scrubs are giving me a hard time  BigGrin

By Ted - 11 Years Ago
slick56 (12/27/2014)
....... but do I opt for the standard or hi-rise Mummert initially?

Unless you have a ’55-’57 Thunderbird, the general rule is to opt for the hi-rise manifold.  John can correct me on this if I’m wrong but I believe the high rise manifold is only about ¼” taller than the Thunderbird specific intake.