Flywheel and Drive plate replacement
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By DAllen1088 - 11 Years Ago
Hello all, This is my first post here..  
on my 272, there are 2 drive plates on the flywheel, the drive plates bolt to the torque converter.  on the torque converter is the gear ring.  Well, i broke one of the drive plates, and im looking for something to replace the flywheel... i cant seem to locate what i have... i need some help... :-)

Doug Allen 
By slick56 - 11 Years Ago
Welcome Doug, this is the place to find the answer.

Until someone chimes in with a specific answer, you may like to check the search function...
If you type in "flex plate" in the 'search discussions' box on the upper right of this page, it will take you to a new page, then
If you then click on Advanced and click on the down arrow next to 'using ANY keywords' and then click "using ALL keywords',
that will narrow the results down some.

Good luck
By Hoosier Hurricane - 11 Years Ago
The flywheel you have was used from '54-'56.  They are not available new.  The '57 style "flex plate" as they are called are available from the early Ford and early T-Bird parts vendors.  It will be a nearly flat steel plate, nearly square, about 3/32" thick, and will bolt to the converter with four bolts instead of the 6 bolts in your current setup.
By DAllen1088 - 11 Years Ago
Thank you for the responses... I saw the one on, Part # 6375A....wasnt sure if it was the right one....