Ignition switch

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By johns55ford - 11 Years Ago
I have a 1955 Ford Crown Vic. I want to change the ignition switch but cannot figure out how to get the key cylinder out of the ignition switch. Any ideas? JDH
By lyonroad - 11 Years Ago
Its been a while since I have done this but as I recall, you depress the small brass pin, (with the key in I think) and then turn the key until you can remove the cylinder.  Sorry i can't remember it exactly so you may have to experiment with turning the key to find the release point. Good luck.

PS JDH, I may have incorrectly assumed that you have the ignition switch removed from the dash.  If my assumption was in fact incorrect you will need to do that.  Reach behind the dash and pull the switch towards you to release some tension on the spring that hold the switch tight.  Then turn the small insert in the middle of the switch about a quarter turn and the switch bezel should then pop off and the switch can be removed from the back. Then you can remove the key cylinder.
By miker - 11 Years Ago
And disconnect the battery first.
By Y block Billy - 11 Years Ago
I just removed one on a 56 and thought that you had to have the key in the accessory position before depressing the button but as it turned out it had to be in the on position.