looking for a good, used compression tester... suggestions...??

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By texasmark1 - 10 Years Ago
the title/subject pretty much says it all.
many of these on epay and such...
any particular brand/style/type that comes recommended?
for use on my 57 Fairlane and Daniel's 63 Merc...
plus, it will go to Daniel someday, as I am already planning on his needs for car stuff after my use for them ends.

By charliemccraney - 10 Years Ago
Since it is something you will hand down, why not get new?

Made in USA:


Mine is an old Sears or Craftsman, Made in USA, but I had GSI make a hose for it which uses a quick disconnect fitting right at the plug hole which makes the use of the tester much easier for some applications.  I think the same sort of thing is included with their #6500 compression tester.
By MoonShadow - 10 Years Ago
You will probably not use the tester often so I would go with someone like Harbor Freight. Cheap but functional for the home user. Chuck
By texasmark1 - 10 Years Ago
OK... shamed into spending $23 for a new kit from Harbor Freight...
instructions say remove all plugs the test... I thought one at a time was the way to do it...??
By MoonShadow - 10 Years Ago
Take out all the plugs and tie the carb wide open. Removes any additional drag on the engine. Chuck
By texasmark1 - 10 Years Ago