New Y-Block Lifters
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By PF Arcand - 11 Years Ago
In an article in issue #119 of YBM by John Mummert, in a competition engine build, he refers to new tool steel valve lifters by Trend Performance. However, he notes that the pushrod cup on them is 5/16" diameter, not Y-Blk std 3/8". No further particulars are given. So, presumably custom pushrods are required to fit them, but then what about the 3/8" ball at the rocker arm end? Are these lifters going to be marketed as replacements? If so, it doesn't seem like a very viable situation. A person could write to YBM, and possiby get an answer, but it would be months away. Anyone here know any particulars?
By Hoosier Hurricane - 11 Years Ago

I hope JM checks in on this and lets us know. I'm wondering, is the pushrod pocket actually 5/16 (.3125"), or is it actually .315" (8 mm) because that's the size of the ball mill that formed the pocket. Depending where they were machined, metric tooling may be what the company that makes them has. If the pocket is CNC machined, then tooling size is not an issue.
By John Mummert - 11 Years Ago
Trend Performance is in Michigan, I ordered custom pushrods with 5/16 ball and 3/8 cup. There is probably no reason to use these lifters unless you are building a pretty serious engine so you would probably want chromoly pushrods anyway.We inspected the lifters after the season and everything looks great.
Heres a picture of the first outing this year. 6.28 @ 106mph 1/8th mile. photo by Denny Sniff
By mctim64 - 11 Years Ago
Cool shot! Wheels up! Smile
By RB - 11 Years Ago
I can second John's comments on the lifters. I have tested 3 cams with the same set, No wear whatsoever. They are finished to a very high quality standard
By lyonroad - 11 Years Ago
mctim64 (2/8/2014)
Cool shot! Wheels up! Smile

I think John has what he calls "a pretty serious engine".