Merry Christmas from the Great White North!
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By Canadian Hot Rodder - 11 Years Ago
To All:

Had a conversation with Lon Argent from Australia today and he informed me of some of our Y-Block family members that have become ill or had tragedies in their families! Sad This saddened me greatly as I have made some GREAT friends through this site and "Y" gatherings!

That being said, I REALLY hope that this Christmas, prayers are answered and EVERYONE here has a VERY Merry Christmas and a Healthy, Happy New Year!!!!!!! Please take care all of yourself and your families!!! We may be far apart geographically, but our hearts are all in the same place!
By LON - 11 Years Ago
Rob ,

Great to hear from you this morning. Had a great Christmas day with family & friends ,all sitting around in 85 -90 degrees, drinking ice cold beer,& eating salads & cold cuts for lunch . No sign of rain & no sign of snow ???? Wishing all of the Y Block family a Merry Christmas and a safe, healthy & Happy New Year .

Lon & Lynne
By Glen Henderson - 11 Years Ago
Merry Christmas to everyone from the Hendersons, 24 degrees here in LA this morning but warming up to around 50 later.
By speedpro56 - 11 Years Ago
Merry Christmas from the Burnette's, woke up to 15 degrees this morning in Western North Carolina and should get up into a balmy 40's today. Have a Happy Healthy New Year to all our Y block friendsSmile.
By pegleg - 11 Years Ago
Lon, Thank you for the card and the video. More than I got from a certain Canadian!! Merry Christmas!
By Canadian Hot Rodder - 11 Years Ago
Now all of you in the sunny south, I hope you don't get sunburned!!!! We dipped to -26 deg Celsius last night which = about -14 Fahrenheit with the wind chill!!! Good to keep everything covered with the 1/2" of ice from the weekend ice storms!!!! Just glad we still have power unlike some!!!

That being said, it was a good Christmas and hope to see all my fellow Y-Blockers in the New Year, take care!!!! Smile

By Canadian Hot Rodder - 11 Years Ago
Sorry Frank, was working Christmas Eve and tonight!!! I hope you and your family had a good one!!!!