By '59Edsel - 12 Years Ago
Hey guys, I'm looking for a tachometer to install into my Edsel for its 292 V8. Preferably one no more than 25-30 dollars. Thanks
By pegleg - 12 Years Ago
Summit or JC Whitney
By MoonShadow - 12 Years Ago
There is often a Sun SuperTach on EBAY for a decent price. Chuck
By The Master Cylinder - 12 Years Ago
Can hardly go wrong with a Sunpro CP7901 ~$37 @, free shipping. Have one in white face also.
By '59Edsel - 12 Years Ago
Thank you for the reply. That is my backup plan. I was hoping for a more vintage tachometer I could install. Something like a Stewart Warner.
By MoonShadow - 12 Years Ago
The Sun supertach hasn't changed since the 60's when they got rid of the underhood sending box. Chuck
By 312T85Bird - 12 Years Ago
Try doing a Search on craigslist, you might try the Milwaukee, Wisconsin site as there are old Warner guages and tachs in surrounding areas that come up often as they were used in race cars back in the '50's and '60's. Most old racers (Circle type) sell at fair prices.