Head installation accessories

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By Ted - 17 Years Ago
Installing a new pair of heads will require at the very least a pair of head gaskets, an intake manifold gasket set, valve cover gaskets, and exhaust gaskets.  Other items could include pushrods and head bolts.  Thoughts are split between including the accessory kit with the heads or having it available as a separate item.  Including the items with the heads does eliminate someone trying to use their 1955 vintage head bolts with the new heads but does add significantly to the initial cost of a pair of heads.  Having the kit available separately gives some flexibility to the end user in being able to use some of their own parts or different brand preferences while also keeping the initial cost of a pair of heads less.

Feel free to add thoughts to this.

By pcmenten - 17 Years Ago
Ted, As you know, because aluminum expands at a different rate than iron, bolting aluminum heads on an iron block requires special head gaskets. Furthermore, John Mummert has a cylinder head gasket that improves the clamping force by eliminating most of the gasket material above the upper head bolts.

I think this makes the case for special head gaskets to be included with aluminum castings.