Tranny woes!
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By Y block Billy - 11 Years Ago
On the way back from the Cacklefest at New england dragway I got a severe vibration a ways from home. when I checked it out the end of the tail shaft was bent at the yoke, it was a T10, pulled tranny and grabbed a toploader to reinstall and decoded it on David Kee's site and it turns out an RUG - AE2 close ratio which comes from a 69 Boss 429 car, Maybe I should sell this one to a purist and I could probably buy 3 others.
By PF Arcand - 11 Years Ago
Probably a good idea.. contact a major Mustang club.
By snowcone - 11 Years Ago
I thought this topic heading might have been about a trip to Phucket!
By MoonShadow - 11 Years Ago
Phuket? Now that is an inside joke! BigGrin Chuck
By Y block Billy - 11 Years Ago
Phucket? That to touristy, I end up in the middle of nowhere where "everything" is dirt cheap!

However, I may be scheduled to visit the Aussies in April or May of 2014!
By MoonShadow - 11 Years Ago
Do you need a baggage handler? I'd be glad to volunteer. Chuck

PS And I do know where Phuket is.
By slumlord444 - 11 Years Ago
I would use it. Am putting a 429 CJ top loader in my '57 Bird. I bought it right and want something I will not break.