steering box
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By pegleg - 13 Years Ago
Anybody have a 58 full size car steering box trhey want to part  with?
By pasngas - 13 Years Ago
i've got one from an 58 and one from 57 ranchero supposedly 57 has no horn wire through shaft box and 58 does have a horn wire from what i gather.   what are you willing to pay plus the shipping with sector attached will be higher of course due to length --    Later Laroy
By ecode ragtop - 13 Years Ago
The 57 has the horn wire, the 58 has a solid shaft. Hope this helps Tom
By pegleg - 13 Years Ago
Depends on what you want And where you're located. I'd rather come get it, given a choice.
By pasngas - 13 Years Ago
I'm in Idaho so a little out of the way but I'd take $100 plus the shipping i'm guessing approx. $30 due to oversize if this works let me know           later Laroy
By pegleg - 13 Years Ago
You are a bit west of Indiana! Let me look around locally first before I commit to you. Thanks.
By PF Arcand - 13 Years Ago
Frank: Just a heads up. Are you aware that the 1958 steering box assembly uses a totally different horn setup? If you just get the box without the column assembly, it turns into a problem to get all the horn parts together, to get it working. Also, if using the 57 column tube, I believe it needs to be trimmed a bit to fit.
By pegleg - 13 Years Ago
Paul, I understand that, really not too worried about the horn, more interested in going straight!