Made in USA bolts
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By charliemccraney - 12 Years Ago
Anyone know where I can find 9/16-18 grade 8 bolts which are made in the USA? I found one source but I have to buy a pack of 25. I only need 6. I haven't been able to locate another source with bolts that are definitely made in the USA.
By gritsngumbo - 12 Years Ago
Have you tried Fastenal?
By carl - 12 Years Ago
what length do you need Carl
By paul2748 - 12 Years Ago
How about ARP?
By pegleg - 12 Years Ago
Charlie, I can get Doorman's at work or studs if you want that. Grade 8, US. Mummert can get ARP's same deal. 
By charliemccraney - 12 Years Ago
I haven't tried Fastenal. They have the exact length I need, 3 3/4" but indicate "global sourcing" on the site. I can find out if the bolts I need are US made. ARP is nice stuff, but far too expensive for what I'm doing. I want to replace my spring bolts when I take them of to install the traction bars.

I did find some that are made in Canada but 4" long which should work and I can buy 5 at a time. I mostly don't want made in China but made in USA would be awesome.
By slumlord444 - 12 Years Ago
My local Ace hardware has a good selection but I never checked where they were made.
By paul2748 - 12 Years Ago
You want a high strength bolt, probably for something that needs it but don't want to get the best???? Go to ARP and don't cheap out. What's it going to cost you - an extra 3-4 dollars???
By charliemccraney - 12 Years Ago
For one thing, I don't believe going with grade 8 is cheaping out. For another, I don't even see the size I need in the ARP catalog or on the summit racing website, so I believe it will be a special order. The last time I tried to special order anything from ARP, the person I needed to talk to was never there and would never call me back so I'm not inclined to try to special order anything from them or call them for info. Third, for price comparison only, 7/16x 4" bolts would cost about $66 to get the quantity I need but I need 9/16 and special order and bigger will be more expensive so I think it's easily going to be at least a $30 difference for a bolt that is not necessary. Correct me if I'm wrong. Is grade 8 not adequate? It certainly seems better than the no grade marking bolts that are sold as actual replacements for the spring bolts.

I'm not having trouble finding bolts locally but the closest I've found is one in a box that lists quite a few countries,including USA (and China) that the bolts may come from. I'm probably going to go with the made in Canada bolts. That way there is no ambiguity and I know it's not China.
By pegleg - 12 Years Ago
Id imagine your local NAPA store has the Doormans. Probably check on line if you're still looking. 
By charliemccraney - 12 Years Ago
Dorman doesn't come up at napaonline. Rockford does. I'm trying to figure out more about them.

Is Dorman definitely US made?
By Hoosier Hurricane - 12 Years Ago

When I worked at NAPA, they carried "Rockford" hardware, made in Rockford, Ill.  That could all be changed by now though. 

By pegleg - 12 Years Ago
There's your answer Charlie.
By GREENBIRD56 - 12 Years Ago
Charlie - Look on the net for the Caterpillar "One Safe Source" book - I think the last one printed is 2008-2009 (but I'll bet the numbers are good). They have come up with "real" stuff in parts of the world I would just as soon forget............price is maybe a problem  - but quality won't be.

The 9/16-18 UNF x 3-3/4 Capscrew is p/n 2S-1216

Even if the part they hand you isn't USA made - you can bet the Caterpillar specs - and inspection documents will be pretty good insurance.

By pegleg - 12 Years Ago

          Also, I just spent 15 minutes researching Dormanns web site. It says NOTHING about their bolts being US made! Only that they specify and sell hardware. So meybe they are NOT made here but overseas. Very dissapointing.   Ermm

By charliemccraney - 12 Years Ago
The Rockford line of bolts sold at Napa was sold to Dorman in 2007.

"Hello Charlie,

Thank you for your inquiry. This product line was sold to company named Dorman Product in 2007. They still use the Rockford trade name but they are responsible for the product supply. I would contact them to get answer to your question.

Best Regards,

Rockford Products, LLC."

So now I contact Dorman. ...and the size I need is made in Canada. So, two made in Canada so far.
By pegleg - 12 Years Ago
I would settle for Canada. So would Rob!Tongue
By rmk57 - 12 Years Ago
Bowmalloy bolts are made in the U.S. We use to stock them at work but were kind of pricey so we went to offshore crap.
By PF Arcand - 12 Years Ago
Charlie: You stated that the bolts sold as spring replacement bolts are "no Mark" bolts! If that's true I'm surprised! It seems to me that at least a marked grade 5 bolt would be specified. No?
By charliemccraney - 12 Years Ago
The ones I saw did not have markings. Maybe it doesn't mean anything if the bolt is designed specifically for the application. I also thought they were overpriced, nearly $8.00ea.

Looking on the napaonline site, when the bolt head is pictured, it looks like some bolts do have grade 5 markings, and others do not. So will grade 5 be sufficient? They'll probably be a bit cheaper.