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By Y block Billy - 14 Years Ago
Getting Lambasted with snow today, not a fun drive to the garage. I thought it was "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas" not a white thanksgiving.

The good thing is I just got a wood boiler hooked up to my oil boiler so enjoying nice warm radiant heat floors in the garage, and can save a little dough on oil this year.

By The Master Cylinder - 14 Years Ago
It's a little chilly here this morning also ~63°.
By Rono - 14 Years Ago
Still snowing here like crazyw00t I've already had the plow and snow blower out. Glad the new shop is done and is heatedBigGrin


By MoonShadow - 14 Years Ago
Snowed this am but all gone now. A balmy 35deg. You Maineacs just keep rubbin it in! I dont even have a heater in my garage. But if I ever build another one it will definately have heated floors. Way to go Bill. Chuck
By Y block Billy - 14 Years Ago
I am sick of it already, I am going back down to visit Ted. leave next Wednesday the 30th, only a couple days though and fly back Saturday the 3rd.

Chuck, when you come up to check out my heat, I have a couple bumpers for you.

Rono, We got to meet up some time. you are the closest one to me and we have never met yet, Been to Lons in Aussiland, Yehaa Bills and Reeds, Teds, Mummerts. now I am just going crazy.

By Jimz Bird - 14 Years Ago
55 here in Kuwait at about 1 AM on the 24th so Happy Turkey Day.  The ONE advantage of being in this God forsaken part of the world is wishing an early day to all back in the world.

Good news for me today.  Officeal  EOM (End of Mission) date of 14 Dec and fly out on the 15th.  A couple of days of civillian out processing at Camp Atterbury in Indiana and then back to the unheated garage in Norfolk. (Hope to remedy that unheated part - gotta lot to do over the winter)

20 and a Wake Up BigGrin

By lowrider - 14 Years Ago
"20 & a wake up". I haven't thought about that in 40yrs. Good luck & thank you. As far as the snow goes I hope to remedy that next week. I fly to Az. to close on a 6 car garage with a house attached. One more Mi. winter and I'm outta here.
By LON - 14 Years Ago
Here in Brisbane ,Australia its been around 85-90F for the last week & about 90% humidity .I don't have to worry about putting heat in the garage floor ??? Just wish I had A/C to cool down .Bill ,I must make it to JM & Teds place next time I  am there . Maybe I will make it to Maine & become a "Mainiac"??


By Rono - 14 Years Ago

I know you have been traveling alot and I have been crazy busy getting settled-in up here and getting the new shop done. Now that most of that is behind me now, I hope we can get together soon. The machine shop I'm going to bring the block to is McMasters place down in Hallowell. Is that anywhere close to you? Probably will be ready for them in a couple of months.

Happy Thanksgiving!


By PWH42 - 14 Years Ago
Like Lowrider,that"20 and a wake-up" stirs 45 year old memories here ,too.Best of luck to you and Thanks for your service.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Oh,and for you New Englanders,just to make you feel a little jealous,here in central Missouri today it's 67 and sunny.
By Jimz Bird - 14 Years Ago
Yep 40 some odd years is about right. My last countdown was Oct of '68. Holy Cats, where did that time go? The upside for me is that I am now a civilian and the pay is better.

Thanks guys for hangin' around the same neighborhood then.

The only "political" thing I will say is that it is just as bad for some of these kids now as it was for some of us kids then. Some things just never seem to be learned.

Oh BTW - 19 and a Wake Up! BigGrin
By charliemccraney - 14 Years Ago
Jimz Bird (11/23/2011)
...then back to the unheated garage in Norfolk. (Hope to remedy that unheated part - gotta lot to do over the winter)

I finished insulating my garage doors and garage ceiling this week. Without anything to heat it yet, it's significantly warmer than it is outside. I think it will work out very well once I put a heater out there.
By The Master Cylinder - 14 Years Ago
Wow, got up to 82° F this afternoon, took my grandson to the beach. Still ~70° out at 5:30. Think I'll start the BBQ and we'll eat dinner outside on the "Lanai". Smooooth
By Rono - 14 Years Ago
At least up here I can't "see" the air, it's crystal clear and I even get to see stars at night when I bar-b-cue on my deckBigGrin


By Jim - 14 Years Ago
I feel for you guys up north! My wife and I are in Kerrville, TX down in the middle of the Texas Hill Country on our Honda Goldwing along with around 15-16 of our local Goldwing chapter folks. We have ridden the roads Friday and yesterday and are headed north to la casa after breakfast. We have easily seen 150 live deer and a bunch of formerly alive deer.

I hear that my 292 is taking shape at Ted's shop, will have to ride down there this week and see it!
By pegleg - 14 Years Ago
[quote]Jim (11/27/2011)
I feel for you guys up north! My wife and I are in Kerrville, TX down in the middle of the Texas Hill Country on our Honda Goldwing along with around 15-16 of our local Goldwing chapter folks. We have ridden the roads Friday and yesterday and are headed north to la casa after breakfast. We have easily seen 150 live deer and a bunch of formerly alive deer.

Jim, but is there any WATER left? Got a buddy near San Antonio said his grass is all dead.
By junkyardjeff - 14 Years Ago
It was in the upper 70s and lower 80s while I was down in Florida over thankgiving but I am back in reality now,thought I was going to drive through snow on the way home yesterday but missed it.
By LordMrFord - 14 Years Ago
Winter is last.