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By 55vickey - 14 Years Ago
Silly question, but I'm switching to a standard tranny and I'd like to get all framework done before the engine goes in....where does the clutch return spring bracket mount? A pic of that area with the bracket on it would do wonders. It'll have to be drilled and tapped and none of my pics of other cars show it. Gary
By aussiebill - 14 Years Ago
55vickey (6/28/2011)
Silly question, but I'm switching to a standard tranny and I'd like to get all framework done before the engine goes in....where does the clutch return spring bracket mount? A pic of that area with the bracket on it would do wonders. It'll have to be drilled and tapped and none of my pics of other cars show it. Gary

Over here, there is a right angle bracket that goes onto lower s/box bolt end then a nut and s/washer. There is 1/8" hole in end to attach spring to.BigGrin

By PWH42 - 14 Years Ago
As Bill said,the L shaped bracket goes on the steering box bolt in this part of the world also.
By 55vickey - 14 Years Ago
Ok guys, thanx a lot, just gotta get a longer bolt, Gary