In search of a mummert or blue thunder intake
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By Brian_Check - 14 Years Ago
anyone have an intake for sale?  please call me at 262 443 0436

thanks Brian

By PF Arcand - 14 Years Ago
On this subject, has new Blue Thunder production ceased?
By y-blockdave - 14 Years Ago
    I have a 57  B  cast iron intake for Holley carb which was ported with carb base of intake opened by John Mummert.

    This done before the Blue Thunder intakes were available by John. The iron intake work is very similiar to the Blue Thunder intake.

    Price   $250.00 plus shipping     Ted Eaton currently has the intake in his shop in Texas

    You might call John Mummert for details on the intake porting work if interested.
