FMX dipstick
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By NewPunkRKR - 18 Years Ago
I need to buy an FMX dipstick.  Lokar has 2 different ones, a transmission mount and a firewall mount.  Any one have experience with these and are there advantages to either one over the other? (this is going in a '57 fairlane 500) Thanks!

 - John

By Gerry - 18 Years Ago
Did you put a FMX behind the y block? I used the FOM trans pan and the stock FOM dipstick.  Didn'd need any LoCar stuff. Gerry
By NewPunkRKR - 18 Years Ago
I'm having an FOM/FMX hybrid built. I'm not 100% sure on what exactly that means, I had a small case FOM (i think), and so they are swaping the FOM case with the FMX (using the Bellhousing and Tail from the FOM. I'm told it will be a direct bolt in and that I need a FMX dipstick for it. When I took out the FOM to send it out, I couldn't unscrew the dipstick tube so I cut it off. Either way I need a dipstick since the original is gone, so any further advice would be appreciated. - John
By sundance241 - 18 Years Ago
I had the same problem  with my 700R  trans ,   i bought the dash mounted  dip stick mount , but because i dont like makin hole in the firewall i mounted it to the heater box that goes against the firewall   ,  looks good , easy to get to ,  and out of the way , will send foto if needed .....Sam
By Glen Henderson - 18 Years Ago
Using the FOM pan and dipstick tube is the easy way and in my opinion the best. It is orginal and a bolt in. Let me look around, I may have a usable unit that I can let you have.
By NewPunkRKR - 18 Years Ago
If the FOM pan will go on the FMX case that sounds good to me.  Glen if you (or anyone else) has a spare dipstick tube that would be great.  Let me know.  THANKS!

- John

By KULTULZ - 18 Years Ago
While I have all of this knowledge here... BigGrin

When performing this FMX upgrade, the shift pattern goes from D-L to the more familiar D-2-1 (FMX SELECT SHIFT) correct? In 1958 when FORD redesigned the FOM Single Range to the CRUISE-O-MATIC Dual Range (FX), there is a problem with the shift linkage/indicator, (number of detents). FORD also retained the FOM at least for that model year (1958) (1959 had the F/M/2 introduced) (I do not have MPC cataloging to discover last model year use on Single Range FOM). So would it be possible/plausible to find a 58 FORD with the D2-D1-L Dual Range (Green Dot) shift pattern and use it's linkage and shift indicator? The indicator would not be correct (different shift patterns) but it would give a clean changeover and not have to modify the origional detent. 

Also, when one uses the FMX case for the conversion, the modulator valve deletes the need for the mechanical TV linkage needed until the introduction of the modulator valve in 1961.

At least this will allow a cleaner installation in a 57/58 (IMO). Has anyone attempted this?

Sorry to HI-JACK the thread but as long as all you guys are already here...

By Hoosier Hurricane - 18 Years Ago

I have an FMX in my '57 Ranchero.  For everyday driving, being able to select manual 1st did not seem to be an issue for me.  There are detents inside the transmission which locates the valve body spool correctly for each position selected.  I adjusted the linkage so that the P, R, N, and D detents on the column matched the detents in the trans.  After all this, I found that my column shifter had some wear in the top bushing, and when I shifted it all the way down, the shift tube raised up enough to allow the trans to go into manual 1st.  I still don't shift to manual 1st anyway.  The trans takes off in 1st with the gear selector in the D position anyway.  Inside the trans, in automatic 1st a sprag holds the planet gear cage, in manual 1st the rear band holds the planets.


By NewPunkRKR - 18 Years Ago
I was told "there is enough travel to reach LO if the linkage adjustment is tweaked that way".  So we'll see what happens.
By Glen Henderson - 18 Years Ago
Sorry about not getting back with you about the fill tube, but I trough my back out last Sunday and haven't been able to dig one out.  I am sure that I have the tube, don't know if I have an extra dipstick or not. Back is a little better, at least I can get out of bed by myself now, so I will try to find it this weekend.
By NewPunkRKR - 18 Years Ago
Still waiting for the trans to get shipped back so no big rush.  I still have the FOM dipstick, I just need the tube.  Hope the back gets better, thanks for your help.

 - John

By Glen Henderson - 18 Years Ago
I sent you a PM.
By NewPunkRKR - 18 Years Ago
Couldn't reply - Apparently you're over your limit for private messages???  Let me know - Thanks!

- John

By Glen Henderson - 18 Years Ago
Sorry about that, just dumped them, try again.
By Gerry - 18 Years Ago
I could not get into lo, (first gear) on the steering colum with the FMX on my 54. I did discover by holding the throttle to the floor (or just hold steady pressure on the gas pedal) it will stay in first for more than I need to get going. If i just take off at a normal speed it shifts out of lo at about 15 or 20 MPH.

I would look for a FOM pan and dipstick. will bolt right up. Gerry