By stuey - 15 Years Ago
Johns website has been updated i've been droooooling all morning go see stuey
By John Mummert - 15 Years Ago
You don't have to call me Mister, Mister, my mama named me John! With appologies to David Allen Coe.
By stuey - 15 Years Ago
just showing respect John thanks for straightening me out stuey
By pegleg - 15 Years Ago
"I told him he had not written the perfect country song, He hadn't said nothin about Mama, gettin' drunk, or Trains, or Jail" By the way, David Allen is from Ohio.
By John Mummert - 15 Years Ago
Thanks Frank. I'm glad somebody got the joke. I guess people couldn't tell that I was laughing while I typed the reply and I hate puttin' smiley faces at the end of sentences. Besides, nobody ever called me Hank.
By MarkMontereyBay - 15 Years Ago
Heck, I got the drift and I don't listen to country music much:
"you don't have to call me darlin, darlin"
Here in the greater Bay Area/Monterey Bay and now internationally on the web, we have been pleasantly afflicted for decades with KPIG, formerly KFAT, out of Freedom, Ca, about 4 miles down the coast highway from me.
By aussiebill - 15 Years Ago
John Mummert (6/23/2010)
Thanks Frank. I'm glad somebody got the joke. I guess people couldn't tell that I was laughing while I typed the reply and I hate puttin' smiley faces at the end of sentences. Besides, nobody ever called me Hank. "Long as they dont call me, Sue!"
By stuey - 15 Years Ago
My name is Stu . . . how do you do 
By John Mummert - 15 Years Ago
Actually the song goes, You don't have to call me Mister, Mister, the whole world called me Hank.
By Ol'ford nut - 15 Years Ago
I thought it was- You don't have to call me Darling, Darling. You don't have to even remember my name.
By John Mummert - 15 Years Ago
2 different songs, both by David Allen Coe