Falcon Gasser

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By yehaabill - 14 Years Ago
Y-Guy Glenn:      Haven't heard much on your Flyn' Falcon Gasser lately.

                 Does this mean you been working on it and haven't had the time

                 to share the joy? I think I know.....You're closing in on Tim's

                 F.E.D. project and the clock is chas'n you to the finish.

                       Anyway, let us see some updates.........


By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Yeah!  I'd like to see some too! Wink
By Hollow Head - 14 Years Ago
Here is one gasser Falcon to look at and you can bid too... BigGrin This is HOT!


And this is Finnish built...

By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Seppo, you always come up with the links! Wink  Cool stuff!

By Glen Henderson - 14 Years Ago
Not much going on now but body work, the body had a lot of surface rust and pitting. I have spent many hours with body filler and primer and sand paper, but I'm getting there. I have spent most of the spring so far working on our property, this is the first year since 2001 that I have had time to work on cleaning it up. The big hold up on the Falcon now is money, the tax man reamed me pretty well again this year, but I'll get it done one day. Juess I need to sell off some projects and just finish this one. I'll post some pictures in a day or two of what I've got done.
By Ketterbros - 14 Years Ago
Glenn, Dave and I are watching and waitting for your posts..