I emailed Centerforce tech department as follows: Hi Roger… have `57 Ford 312 ci with stock flywheel and wish to convert from an 11” Long Style, Type 1 pressure plate to a Diaphragm style plate (and disk), preferably a Dual Friction set-up… the bolt spacing is 3-3/8” center-to-center. Do you have any recommendations? Thanks in advance for your kind reply. Brian
To which they replied:
Upon reviewing some old catalogs we can not determine which clutch would be a direct replacement for your application being we can not cross the part numbers over. It would be a guess to say whether a diaphragm clutch would have the same installed height and whether the spring pack of our disc would work with your flywheel. Therefore I’m not sure what part number to recommend.
Am I missing something or was my inquiry confusing? A Diaphragm style's height, being inherently lower than a Long style's height, is irrelevant as long as it works with the tranny's input shaft... right? And why wouldnt their spring pack work with my stock flywheel... an 11" disk is essentially an 11" disk isnt it?
I thought all I needed to know was whether they had a model with the 3-3/8" bolt spacing, but now I'm just confused... any suggestions/clarifications would be greatly appreciated.