yet another PCV question
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By uncleaud - 16 Years Ago
I have a 312 in a 57 T-bird with an adapter plate for an AO transmission. As a result the draft tube doesn't fit and clear everthing as before which is fine as I intended to install a PCV valve in place of the tube. I bought a rubber gromet and valve to fit the hole in the valley pan but when installed it seems that the threaded tube in the middle of the hole will restrict the bottom of the PCV valve. I can cut the draft tube and use that to fabricate something but was wondering how everyone does it in all the pictures I see. Thanks
By mctim64 - 16 Years Ago
Try here. Not exactly what you asked for but a nice way to run your PCV valve, I have done this two or three times with good results. 
By uncleaud - 16 Years Ago
Yes, I seen that post. Great idea, I only wish I'd seen it when I had my motor apartSmile Don't mean to be beatin a dead horse here but what do most do about that threaded post in the center of the hole?
By DANIEL TINDER - 16 Years Ago
uncleaud (11/30/2009)
I have a 312 in a 57 T-bird with an adapter plate for an AO transmission. As a result the draft tube doesn't fit and clear everthing as before which is fine as I intended to install a PCV valve inplace of the tube. I bought a rubber gromet and valve to fit the hole in the valley pan but when installed it seems that the threaded tube in the middle of the hole will restrict the bottom of the PCV valve. I can cut the draft tube and use that to fabricate something but was wondering how everyone does it in all the pictures I see. Thanks

The draft-tube nut (threaded tube) can be cautiously hammered down a bit to give more clearance. Just thread a long bolt into it (I believe it's tack-welded in place) so it doesn't end up "down in the valley" (wasn't that a c & w song?).
By GREENBIRD56 - 16 Years Ago
I built this "T on a washer" to bolt into/onto the original draft tube mount on the back of the valley cover. Its made of a copper adapter fitting from the hardware (1/2" hole up - 3/4" back) with JB Weld, washers and grommets of the right size. Dukes mixture from who knows where. Painted black to finish - routes the hose back toward the firewall.

 PCVValveElbowSmall.jpg PCV Valve Elbow picture by AZ28_7442

By paul2748 - 16 Years Ago
AZ28 (11/30/2009)
I built this "T on a washer"to bolt into/onto the original draft tube mounton the back of the valley cover. Its made of a copper adapter fitting from the hardware (1/2" hole up - 3/4" back) withJB Weld, washers and grommets of the right size. Dukes mixture from who knows where. Painted black to finish - routes the hose back toward the firewall.

PCVValveElbowSmall.jpg PCV Valve Elbow picture by AZ28_7442

Can you post a larger picture?
By GREENBIRD56 - 16 Years Ago
Sorry 'bout that - downsized way too far. Tried to create a "close-up" - we'll see how it works..... 

Its a 3/4 x 3/4 x 1/2 copper "tee" from Ace Hardware, heavy washer the same size as the "base" in the valley cover (attached with JB weld), 1/4 stainless bolt and flat washer with rubber washer. I have no idea where the other grommets came from. Or the PCV valve - but I think it was a "64 292 part that I trimmed down and pressed into the "T". Pipe threads are pushed into the hose and clamped.

Pure jerry rig........


By charliemccraney - 16 Years Ago
I had found a pcv valve which fit between a truck hose fitting which I think was 1/2" and the 3/8" port on the carb. I think it was a GM 305 v8 application of some sort.
By uncleaud - 16 Years Ago
Thanks Steve that is what I kind of had in mind only I was just going to cut the top of the draft tube off and make some sort of grommet work there, get a 90 degree valve and go to the back of the carb plate.  Just thought there was no need to reinvent the wheel.
By GREENBIRD56 - 16 Years Ago
The draft tube is one of those "original" parts in my garage attic - being saved for the "next owner". So I made a replacement .......Smile