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By yblock32deuce - 15 Years Ago
good morning guys, have owned yblocks since 1960, currently a 32 ford 3 window 309(?) ci 6 carb 5spd  mummert cam ram horn mallory ign. vintage racer. wanting to attend the columbus ohio meet and hopefully get acquainted with some of you fellas. any advice as where to stay, best way to get there, etc, etc, would be greatly appreciated. thanks
By lowrider - 15 Years Ago
If you have a subscription, Y-Block Magazine has all the info you need. Maybe someone more computer savvy than me can email you the info.
By Ted - 15 Years Ago
Ditto on the Y-Block Magazine as Bob Martin does a superb job in supplying the necesary information for that event.  You’ll find a majority of the Y-Blockers staying at the Super Eight Motels either in Heath or Hebron and be sure to ask for the NMRA discount.  The motel at Hebron is closer to the track while the one at Heath is closer to all the eating places.  You'd better hurry though on setting up the reservations as both places are noted for filling up early.
By pegleg - 15 Years Ago
it's held at National Trails Raceway in Hebron Ohio. right off interstate 70,East of Columbus approx 25 miles. Labor Day weekend. Look at the events section of this web site.


By MoonShadow - 15 Years Ago
If you check the info on this site its easy to find us! Where are you coming from? Its helpful to add your location, at least the state, on your tag line then we all can see where you are. Most of the Y's guys stay at either of the two Super Eights. The one in Hebron is usually pretty active. See you there! Chuck in NH
By yblock32deuce - 15 Years Ago
thanks guys for all the info, and you are correct. should have said would be coming from virginia , just  west of va. beach. alittle early in the am to think of everything. hope to meet you ted, so i can thank you personally for all your help in setting up the 6 carb setup as well as all the rest of you fellas